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This is True®
by Randy Cassingham
"Plucks headlines and stories from the nation's newspapers and wryly comments on them."

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Did you find an article in your newspaper that would be perfect for This is True?
Please read this before contacting us.

I generally prefer to find the items myself, because it's more work to get them from outside. But, I do appreciate hearing about good stories from my readers, especially local stories from tiny newspapers. However, at least half the time I already have the story in question -- thus, the best thing to do is send me an e-mail asking "do you have the story about ____ yet?", plus a comment that you've seen this message and can mail the clipping if needed.

I consider my column's title to be a sort of warranty. Therefore, I cannot (ever!) use stories that you found on the Internet! If someone sent it to you, don't even bother telling me about it -- it is very rare that such stories are true (most are urban legends), and the ones that are true tend to be very, very old! Stories must be from newspapers, and must be recent.

(As for newspaper Web sites, I prefer not to use them, either. In any case, please do not send me a URL and ask me to check it out -- please tell me what the story is, and send the URL! The only thing worse than checking out the story and finding it's not True material is going to the trouble and then seeing the story is something I have already!)

Also, please don't send me any more copies of the "Exploding Whale" or "I'm a Lighthouse, so you better turn" or "South Africa Hospital Worker Unplugs Patient for Vaccum Cleaner" or "Fire Fighting Plane Scoops up Skin Diver" stories. All are urban legends and did not happen, except for the "Exploding Whale" -- that happened, but it was in the mid-1970s fer chrissake! (See "Don't send me stuff from the Internet", above.) For more on fake e-mail in general, see our anti-spam page. For more on urban legends, see http://www.urbanlegends.com; for more on the "Darwin Awards" (most circulating by e-mail are urban legends) see http://www.officialdarwinawards.com.

If you're going to send me a story, I need either an original (highly preferred) or very good copy of the story, including the name of the publication you found it in, the date it appeared, and (if possible) the page number. Please mail it if at all possible (PO Box 17326, Boulder CO 80308, USA), or (if you must) fax it: +1 303 664-5388.

Sorry, but we do not offer compensation for submissions other than including an online "thanks!" with your name and city, so please include those with your submission. (If you do not want your name included in True, please say so with your submission!)

Thank you for your interest, and sorry it's so difficult to submit stories to me....

Randy Cassingham
Boulder, Colorado

Copyright 1998 by Freelance Communications, All Rights Reserved worldwide. May not be copied, stored or redistributed without prior, written permission.

"This is True" is a registered trademark of Freelance Communications.

Page Updated 9 June 1998

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