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This is True®
by Randy Cassingham
"Randy Cassingham has a passion for the truth. And you'll never believe the stuff he's dug up.... Truly stranger than fiction."
--USA Today

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This is True stories come from "legitimate" mainstream printed news sources (never "tabloids"). The facts from these articles are the basis of True's stories, which are written by Randy Cassingham in their entirety. Each story ends in a credit to the source, such as the Los Angeles Times or the Denver Post. Note, however, Randy tries as much as possible to credit the original source. For example, if the newspaper credits a wire service as the source, that's what the credit says; it's usually not credited to the specific paper Randy found the story in. Thus the most-cited sources in True are the major news wires:

AP (Associated Press)
Reuters* (Reuters Ltd.)
AFP (Agence France-Presse)
UPI (United Press International)

*Special note on Reuters: For years, Reuters slugged their datelines (Reuter), so most newspapers, and Randy, did too. In October 1997, the wire service changed their slug to (Reuters), so Randy changed True's credit lines to show this new usage.

Copyright 1998 by Freelance Communications, All Rights Reserved worldwide. May not be copied, stored or redistributed without prior, written permission.

"This is True" is a registered trademark of Freelance Communications.

Page Updated 9 June 1998

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