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This is True®
by Randy Cassingham
TRUE's ad rates represent "a nice CPM indeed."
--SKYWRITING: The Internet Advertising Newsletter

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We think advertising in an e-mailed publication is better than a banner ad on a web site:
  • Banner ads are often just one of many graphic elements on a web page -- they often don't stand out at all.
  • Many web surfers turn off their "auto load images" so they don't have to look at banner ads. In This is True, there is only one outside ad per issue, plus you get the best placement possible. Your ad will stand out!
  • Is an important demographic group missing your message entirely? While most people have e-mail, not everyone has web access.
  • You have the ability to provide links to both web pages and e-mail autoresponders to allow your prospects to choose which way they want information. (And: we can provide both for you if you need them!)
  • You get more space in a text e-mail ad to give readers some detail.
  • You can probably advertise in an e-mailed publication at a much lower cost than a banner ad.
  • And, you can still carefully track the ad's effectiveness.

An important thing to realize about This is True is all of our subscribers have requested their subscriptions! Thus, our stuff gets read, which means your ad will be read too! Best of all, your informative ad can reach our readers for less than one-half cent per impression!

For details on advertising in True, including detailed rate information and demographics, please contact Randy Cassingham, arcie@thisistrue.com. We assign space on a first paid, first reserved basis.

What Our Advertisers Think

Sure, we can talk all we want, but it's results that count. Here's what some of your peers have to say about their experiences advertising in True...

"I've advertised in This is True several times and have been very happy with the results. I've tried banner ads, direct mailings and other email newsletters but have not had as many visitors that I get when I advertise in This is True.
--Victor Vega, Founder & CEO, Digital University

"Advertising in This is True is one of the great bargains on the Internet, and Randy made inserting the ad effortless. We wrestled with many different advertising ideas for our e-mail newsletter before settling on advertising in This is True. Upon publication of the issue in which our ad appeared, we received a huge number of hits at our Web site (up 1600% the next day) and at least a thousand new subscribers. For our money, This is True is the most cost-effective way of letting people on the Internet know about an exciting product or service."
--Allen L. Wyatt, author, WordTips

"Twin Peaks Gourmet is proud to advertise with such a well-respected publication. The bottom line is that advertising in This is True works for us. Our gourmet food gets global exposure with a reputable spokesman, and our site gets the hits. If you're looking for world-class, world-wide promotion for your web site look no further."
--Sheryl Heller, Twin Peaks Gourmet

"As a regular advertiser in This is True, I can tell you it gets results. People tune out web banners just like commercials on TV, but they can't miss the ads in an e-mail newsletter. I count on a surge of 500-700 new subscribers for my Tourbus newsletter each time our ad appears in True."
--Bob Rankin, publisher, Internet Tourbus

Copyright 1998 by Freelance Communications, All Rights Reserved worldwide. May not be copied, stored or redistributed without prior, written permission.

"This is True" is a registered trademark of Freelance Communications.

Page Updated 7 July 1998

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