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by Randy Cassingham
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If you are receiving This is True and the country you're in is not on this list, please let us know! Send a note to arcie@thisistrue.com. Thanks.

But first, a note about this list. Even if the world was not in political flux, it's difficult to define what a "country" is. We have defined it this way: it's a "country" if it [1] has its own Internet domain, [2] is generally recognized as independent, or [3] is otherwise separate but not generally claimed (e.g., Antarctica). Since this entire concept is open to interpretation, we have turned to a third party as arbiter. If there is a question about a particular place being a "country", we consult the American Radio Relay League's DXCC list -- a list of countries that ham radio operators use to determine how many countries they've communicated with. Thus, Northern Ireland is on our list since it's on the ARRL's list, but Tasmania isn't because it's not on the ARRL's list, even though we do have subscribers there who have asked to be included on this list.

The list, in the order subscribed:

    USA, Canada, Singapore, South Africa, Netherlands, England, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, Slovakia, France, Japan, Belgium, New Zealand, Germany, Ireland, India, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Finland, Korea, Austria, Iceland, Norway, Italy, Croatia, Kuwait, Estonia, Spain, Brazil, Portugal, Poland, Israel, Hungary, Thailand, Switzerland, Venezuela, Mexico, Greece, Bermuda, Tunisia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Antarctica, Slovenia, Turkey, Taiwan, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Namibia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Chile, Jamaica, Philippines, Ukraine, Macau, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Bahrain, International/High Seas, Pakistan, Fiji, Latvia, Peru, Colombia, Egypt, Romania, Morocco, Yugoslavia, Argentina, Uzbekistan, Luxembourg, Isle of Man, Scotland, Botswana, China, Cyprus, Honduras, Wales, Saudi Arabia, Guine-Bissau, Panama, Northern Ireland, Mozambique, Rwanda, Malta, Monaco, Kazakhstan, Andorra, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Kenya, Niger, Trinidad and Tobago, Madagascar, Cayman Islands, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Mauritius, Belize, Uganda, El Salvador, Vietnam, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Zambia, Nepal, Lithuania, Moldova, Haiti, Macedonia, Bolivia, Cook Islands, Micronesia, Iran, Virgin Island, Georgia, Guyana, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Belarus, Cuba, Saint Lucia, Brunei Darussalam, Dominica, Tonga, Gibraltar, Suriname, Cambodia, Nigeria, Qatar, Swaziland, Cameroon, Antigua and Barbuda, Oman, Tanzania, Azerbaijan, Guam, Mali, Niue, Turkmenistan

    Total = 147

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Page Updated 3 July 1998

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