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Welcome To The Tech Image Home Page

Tech Image provides results-oriented, public relations capabilities for companies in the computer hardware/software, telecommunications, digital video and interactive/multimedia industries. We develop and implement marketing and communications programs utilizing both traditional and electronic media formats.

Our clients rely on us to help them break through the cluttered, uncertain information landscape and build mind share among key editors and their target audience.

Tech Image's staff combines over 30 years of group experience in the computer, multimedia and telecommunications industries with years hands-on marketing and public relations know-how.

Tech Image has developed a line of turnkey solutions to help companies communicate along the Information Superhighway. We call it Electronic Public Relations.

Electronic Public Relations is a unique service which will support and extend your company's public relations, marketing and customer service programs to various on-line services including CompuServe, AOL and the Internet.

Whether your company is an upstart or an industry legend -- if you want more bang for your PR buck give Tech Image a call.

For more information about our services, please fill in the following form, and then select the submit button at the bottom of the page.

Yes, I would like to learn more about Tech Image's capabilities in the following areas:

Traditional Public Relations

Electronic Public Relations


Measuring Results

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