Free Willie
An "outraged" President Clinton angrily defended himself against charges that he
had an affair with a White House intern and then urged her to lie about their
liaisons under oath. However, reporters questioned his use of "lawyer words" in
his denial, such as Clinton saying he did not have "any improper relations" with
the woman. They wondered aloud what kind of relations, then, did they have?
Clinton further says he never told anyone to lie, but rather says everyone should
"tell the truth in this matter." (UPI) ...They're right to force him to be
precise. He never has been able to remember the difference between "lie" and
Presidential Semantics
The wording of Bill Clinton's denials in the Clinterngate scandal have left
observers groping for answers. "A lot of people speculate -- and it has been
reported -- that the president says oral sex does not constitute a sexual
relationship. Is that his view?" asked reporter Tony Snow of White House aide Ann
Lewis on "Fox News Sunday". No, Lewis answered. "Sex is sex ... a sexual
relationship means what it says, and that includes sex," she said in an apparently
unsuccessful attempt to clarify his beliefs. (Reuters) ...This wouldn't be the
first time a president has been brought down by "Deep Throat".
Blue Genes
An analysis by Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter suggests that President
Clinton is predestined to cheat on his wife. Factors such as growing up in Hot
Springs, Ark., ("then a wide-open gambling town") and genetics ("Everyone in
Clinton's immediate family suffered from some kind of compulsive disorder or
addiction") have made illicit affairs hard for Clinton to resist, Alter says.
Add to that the Freudian connection between "'power and the penis' (you knew
that was coming up some time)", and the president's many sex scandals begin to
make sense. (Newsweek) ...The First Lady has some pre-destiny action going
too: one anagram of "Hillary Rodham Clinton" is "Lynch harlot in mid-oral".
Pre-Installed Velcro Seams
ABC News reported that Monica Lewinsky had received a dress as a gift from the
president, and that it was soiled with ...uh... a large sample of his DNA.
However, rival CBS News reports that the FBI confiscated the dress during a search
of Lewinsky's apartment and has found "no traces" of DNA evidence on the garment.
(UPI) ...Leading to possible "obstruction of justice" charges against Martha
Stewart for sending a copy of her "Fighting Stubborn Stains" video to the White
A poll by Time magazine and the Cable News Network finds that while 65 percent
think it is likely President Clinton indeed had an affair with Monica Lewinsky, 54
percent of those surveyed think Clinton's moral standards are the same as the
average married man. (Reuters) ...The American Dream is still alive: anyone
can grow up to be president!
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