[DCS Home Page]

[DCS Banner Image]

This World Wide Web server has been established to provide general information about the Computer Science Department at the University of Toronto, Canada, and to provide access to online resources available on the department's computer systems.

The title bar graphic at the top is a button, pressing on it will always bring you back to this page.

General Information:

*Introduction to Department of Computer Science
*DCS Seminars this: week | month | year.
* Upcoming Conferences
*List of Faculty Members and their Research Interests
*Computing Disciplines Facility (CDF)
*Departmental FTP sites
*Home Pages
*Computer Science Students Union

Undergraduate Studies:

*Introduction to Undergraduate Studies
*Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Studies
*Various Programs within Undergraduates Studies
*Undergraduate Courses
*Undergraduate Office

Graduate Studies:

*Introduction to Graduate Studies
*Graduate Courses
*Degree Requirements
*Financial Assistances Available
(Recent changes to the graduate program are not yet reflected here. Please contact grad-inq@cdf.toronto.edu for more information.)

Computer Science Research Groups at U of T:

*Computer Systems Research Institute
*Electrical and Computer Engineering
*Dynamic Graphics Project
*Holt/Turing Group
*Information Technology Research Centre
*Cognitive Robotics Group
*Knowledge Base Management Systems
*Neural Network Research Group
*Parallel Systems Group
*Database and Information Systems

Mailing Address:

Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
10 King's College Road
Toronto, Ontario
Phone: (416) 978 6025
Fax: (416) 978 1931
Email: dcs-office@cs.utoronto.ca

If you have any thoughts, suggestions or queries, please feel free to contact us at www@cs.toronto.edu

Last Updated Feb 19, 1996