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Academic Responsibilities

The Department of Computer Science was established in 1964 in the School of Graduate Studies to offer graduate level instruction and to pursue research in computer science. Three undergraduate programs were also developed, one in the Faculty of Arts and Science (in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics ), another in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering (in collaboration with the Division of Engineering Science), and a third in the Faculty of Management Studies.

On July 1, 1971 the Department became an administrative unit within the Faculty of Arts and Science. In addition to the graduate program in computer science, it now has responsibility for all undergraduate courses in computer science given in Arts and Science and in Engineering Science.

Research Activities

The Department of Computer Science is responsible (jointly with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) for the Computer Systems Research Institute (formerly the Computer Systems Research Group), which was established early in 1969. The purpose of the Institute is to investigate the design and implementation of computer systems and networks including both software and hardware aspects.

The department works closely with individuals and other organizations to encourage computer science programs in high schools and community colleges. Members of the department are active in a variety of national and international organizations that are concerned with computers and their impact on society. The department has a faculty of 65 members and approximately 130 full-time graduate students. Some faculty members have cross-appointments in other areas, especially in Mathematics and Electrical and Computer Engineering, but also in Management Studies, Physics, and at Erindale, Scarborough and Woodsworth Colleges. About one-half of the faculty members and graduate students are associated with the Computer Systems Research Institute (CSRI).

If you have any thoughts, suggestions or queries, please feel free to contact us at www@cs.toronto.edu

Last updated: Feb. 20, 1996