Computer Systems Research Institute
The Computer Systems Research Institute (CSRI) is the result of
twenty years
of work and cooperation between the Departments of Computer
Science and
Electrical Engineering at the University of Toronto. In 1968, the
Chairmen of
the two Departments, Professor T.E. Hull and Professor G.R.
Slemon, applied
for a Negotiated Development Grant to establish and articulate
collaboration between the science and engineering of computer
systems. The
Computer Systems Research Group was the outcome of this
collaboration, and in
1984 it became the Computer Systems Research Institute in
recognition of
its success in matching theory with technology.
CSRI has expanded from a handful of academics to become a
national centre of
excellence of over fifty professors, programmers, technicians and
staff- who work together with the rest of the University and
industry as the CSRI.
The CSRI is interdisciplinary in its nature; its
includes academic staff
from the
Department of Computer Science (DCS) in the Faculty of Arts
and Science, from
the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE) in the Faculty of
Applied Science
and Engineering, and from other Departments ranging from
Landscape Architecture to Medicine.
Objectives of CSRI
The objectives of the CSRI are to undertake research and
development in the
design, implementation, and operating characteristics of complex
systems, and to see that the results of these investigations are
used to
improve information processing in business, government and
universities. To
accomplish these objectives, CSRI operates a laboratory which at
present includes several
fileservers, workstations, microprocessors, personal computers,
terminals and network hardware.
CSRI supports particular strengths of the departments from which
it draws its
members .
CSRI is an association of Professors whose research interests
overlap. Professors
who are members of CSRI have access to the CSRI facilities for
their research,
and, in turn, they help support the research facilities provided.
CSRI's Place in the University
The CSRI Director reports to the Deans of the Faculty of Arts and
Science and
the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. Appointment of
the Director is
on recommendation of a Search Committee chaired by one of the
Deans, and including
the Chairmen of the Departments of Computer Science and
Electrical Engineering
plus three members of the Institute chosen by those Chairmen. The
prepares an annual budget and annual report on the Institutes
activities for
submission to the two Deans.
Membership in CSRI is open to faculty of the University of
Toronto who wish
to conduct research relative to computer systems and their
application. Faculty
members wishing to become members of CSRI should submit a
statement to the
Director of CSRI. This statement should describe their research
interests and
the relevance of such research to the goals of CSRI and its
ongoing projects. Upon
acceptance, CSRI facilities, including its laboratory, are made
available to the
member for conducting research. CSRI works on a cooperative
basis. Members of CSRI
are normally expected to contribute to its funding. Membership
in CSRI may be
reviewed once every two years by the Director.
One of the benefits of CSRI is that its members can share
research resources
in an efficient and cost effective manner. CSRI operates research
facilities and acts as an employer of secretarial and
professional support
staff (programmers, technicians, and engineers). These resources
are then
made available to CSRI members for use in their research
The research facilities provided by CSRI are supported in several
- NSERC Operating Grants of Individual members.
- NSERC Infrastructure grants awarded to a group of CSRI
members in support
of common research facilities.
- Research grants from the Province of Ontario Centres of
Excellence, in particular
Information Technology Research Centre (ITRC).
- Research grants, research contacts, and donations from
government and industry, Canadian and foreign.
For more information on CSRI, you are encouraged to contact:
CSRI Technical Reports Series
Sandford Fleming Building
10 Kings College Rd.
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario,
Canada M5S 3G4.
Last Updated Mar 3rd, 1995