Courses Offered By the Department Of Computer Science

Please note that the courses are listed as taken at the St. George Campus. The additional code in the course heading following the normal St. George designations corresponds to the course codes used at Scarborough or Erindale campuses. Please refer to the equivalence table for more details on the conversion process.
* CSC 104H The Why and How of Computing 26L,13T

* CSC 108H Introduction to Computer Programming 26L,13T

* CSC 148H,A58H Introduction to Computer Science 26L,13T

* CSC 209H,B09H Software Tools in UNIX and C 26L,13T

* CSC 228H,B28H File Structures and Data Management 26L,13T

* CSC 238H,B38H Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science 26L,13T

* CSC 258H,B58H Computer Organization 26L,9P,10T

* CSC 260H Introduction to Scientific, Sybolic, and Graphical Computation 26L,13Ts

* CSC 270H,B70H Introduction to Modelling and Optimization 26L,13T

* CSC 300H Computers and Society 26L,13T

* CSC 318H The Design of Interactive Computational Media 26L,13T

* CSC 324H,C24H Principles of Programming Languages 26L,13T

* CSC 336H Numerical Methods 26L,13T

* CSC 340H Information Systems Analysis and Design 26L,13T

* CSC 350H,C50H Numerical Algebra and Optimization 26L,13T

* CSC 351H,C51H Numerical Approximation, Integration and Ordinary Differential Equations s26L,13T

* CSC 354H Systems Modelling and Discrete Simulation 26L,13T

* CSC 364H,C64H Computability and Complexity 26L,13T

* CSC 372H Microprocessor Software 26L,39P

* CSC 378H,C78H Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis 26L,13T

* CSC 408H Software Engineering 26L,13T

* CSC 418H Computer Graphics 26L,13T

* CSC 428H Human-Computer Interaction 26L,13T

* CSC 434H Data Management Systems 26L,13T

* CSC 438H Computabilty and Logic 39L

* CSC 446H Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations 26L,13T

* CSC 448H Formal Languages and Automata 39L

* CSC 454H The Business of Software 26L, 13T

* CSC 456H High-Performance Scientific Computing 26L,13T

* CSC 458H Computer Networks 26L,13T

* CSC 465H Programming Methodology 26L,13T

* CSC 468H Operating Systems 26L,13T

* CSC 478H Computer Algebra 26L,13T

* CSC 484H Applied Artificial Intelligence 26L,13T

* CSC 485H Introduction to Computational Linguistics 26L,13T

* CSC 488H Language Processors 26L,13T

* CSC 492H Computer Science Implementation Project

* CSC 493H Computer Science Expository Work

* CSC 494H,D94H Computer Science Project

* CSC 495H,D95H Computer Science Project

* CSC A06H Computer Basics

* CSC A57S Introduction to Scientific Computing

* ECE/CSC C85H Microprocessor Systems 26L,39P

If you have any thoughts, suggestions or queries, please feel free to contact us at

Last Updated Feb 15, 1996.