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European Software Excellence Awards

Micrografx Windows Draw

Usability Excellence - PC

Winner - Micrografx Windows Draw
Windows Draw 5.01 is an excellent illustration of how a complex feature set need not be a barrier to productivity, provided it is sensibly presented. Shape manipulation, 3D text and object conversions are among the comprehensive range of capabilities on offer in Windows Draw, all of which are presented in a consistent, approachable format.
Finalist - Fusion 1.0
WYSIWYG HTML authoring products have appeared in numbers during the last year as the demand for producing impressive Web sites with minimal effort has increased. NetObject's Fusion is an excellent example of how professional-style functionality can be presented in an elegant and straightforward format. It incorporates impressive navigation features and a thoughtful approach to how users actually go about designing, constructing and maintaining a successful Web site.
Finalist - Kai's Power Goo
The simplicity of Power Goo's interface hides a complex and versatile graphics engine which makes tasks such as creating compound images as easy as selecting components from different images and painting them seamlessly into a new document. Showing scant regard for either Windows or Macintosh interface standards, Metatools have shown that coherence and appropriateness to the task in hand are central to a good interface design.

*The judging process

The Winners

*Best French Product
*Best German Product
*Best UK Product
*Business Productivity
*Languages and Tools


*Usability Excellence
*Technical Excellence


*Usability Excellence
*Technical Exellence

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