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European Software Excellence Awards

Best German Product

Best German Product

Winner - Cinema 4D
Cinema 4D offers a highly professional 3D-Modelling-Raytracing-and Animation software package which includes all of the functionality that professional users demand. The strong performance of this product allows users to work with a minimum of hardware and without an additional accelerator card. Combine this with Cinema 4D's very fair price amd you will see why it is first choice for a lot of 3D Graphic users.
Finalist - Messaging Server David
Messaging Server David is the universal Communication-Server from Tobit Software GmbH. A universal Communication-Server enables all email, voice and fax messages to be controlled and stored by the server. In the case of Tobit David, the modular structure and 32-bit multitasking/multithreading system ensures excellent performance.
Finalist - AV-WIN 95
AV-Win 95 by H+BEDV Datentechnik is one of the most advanced anti-virus tools developed by German programmers. It has all the functions of a modern anti-virus tool, featuring many platforms, and shows that great tools do not always have to come from the big vendors.

*The judging process

The Winners

*Best French Product
*Best German Product
*Best UK Product
*Business Productivity
*Languages and Tools


*Usability Excellence
*Technical Excellence


*Usability Excellence
*Technical Exellence

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