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European Software Excellence Awards

Acrobat 3.0

Technical Exellence - PC

Winner - Acrobat 3.0
Adobe pushes the envelope for electronic document publishing with its latest version of Acrobat. Enhancements to version 3 include the addition of interactive controls within a .PDF for web links, AVI or Quicktime files as well as directly embedding .PDF files within a web page. Progressive rendering, integrated viewing within your web browser, page on demand access and macros for converting Word and Excel files to .PDFs round out the highlights of this major release making Acrobat 3 a must have for anyone involved in electronic document publishing. Best of all, the Acrobat reader continues to be made available for free from Adobe systems.
Finalist - The Pointcast Network
As the defining product for push Internet technology, The Pointcast Network created a phenomenon by allowing users to customise what information they received from the Internet rather than forcing users to figure out how to search and pull the information down to themselves. Since then, there have been numerous companies that copied Pointcast but they've stayed ahead by offering more content including Reuters, Time, sports tickers and many US national newspapers. While there isn't much in the way of European content available on Pointcast at this time, it won't be long before this technology is made pervasive throughout European homes and offices.
Finalist - 3D StudioMax.
3D Studio Max from Kinetix, a division of Autodesk, was the first 3D modeling and animation program designed specifically for Windows NT. Bringing workstation capabilities to the PC, 3DS Max as its known to its loyal user base incorporates a true multi-tasking, multi-threaded, multi-processor environment which also supports distributed network rendering and an extensible plug-in architecture which allows developers to make their own 3D tools if they can't make do with the more than 150 plug-ins either developed or in development today. 3D Studio Max proves that PC can be as good if not better than the best UNIX workstation on the market today.

*The judging process

The Winners

*Best French Product
*Best German Product
*Best UK Product
*Business Productivity
*Languages and Tools


*Usability Excellence
*Technical Excellence


*Usability Excellence
*Technical Exellence

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