The questions may be simple, or sophisticated. Spoken, or unspoken. But they all resolve to a single issue: What makes a Volvo?
Just as every Volvo is built of many parts, systems, structures and design innovations, the Volvo story is also a multitude of stories.
Volvo: The Symbol
You may also be wondering what the well-known Volvo logo symbol
signifies. Recently, you'll find this symbol only as a design element
on the front grille of our vehicles - but it has remained in use for
generations. The Volvo circle-and-arrow trademark was created to
represent strength, taking its graphic shape from the traditional
chemical symbol for iron ore. Combined with our name, the Volvo
graphic identity is "rolling strength" - an apt expression of our
unique approach to building cars.
Volvo: The Beginning
The first Volvo automobile was produced in 1927 - the same year
Charles Lindbergh (whose father had been born in Sweden) became the
first solo flyer to cross the Atlantic. Volvo itself crossed the
Atlantic officially in 1956, offering model PV-444 to Americans
through a small network of Volvo dealers. Today, there are more than
1,200,000 Volvo automobiles on the roads of North America. We're proud
of every one of our cars - and of every year in our ongoing 65-year
effort to advance the technology, comfort, pleasure, and above all,
the safety of driving.
Volvo: The Commitment
The reputation for safety that Volvo enjoys is the result of decades
of dedication to the details which help protect those who drive our cars.
We invite you to look at the many facets of Volvo's commitment to
making automobiles that are solid in every sense of the word.
Core Values
Safety Cage
Air Bag
Side Impact Protection
SIPS: The Volvo 850
Energy Absorption
Seat Belts
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