(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Meet the People
Actually, this picture is really old, so it should more properly be labeled "Meet the Original Java Team"!
We'll try to rustle up something more contemporary,
but for the moment ...
From left to right
Frank Yellin, Chuck McManis, Chris Warth, Herb Jellinek, Tim Lindholm,
Arthur van Hoff, Michele Huff, Jonathan Payne.
Richard Tuck, Patrick Chan, Erik Gilbert, Eugene Kuerner, Mark Scott Johnson.
Lisa Friendly, Sami Shaio, Bob Weisblatt, James Gosling, Kim Polese, Kathy Walrath.
Not Shown:
Elizabeth Del Ben, Jim Graham, Ian Halifax, Mark Opperman, Steve Zellers, Headley Williamson, Carla Schroer, Tom Ball, Pavani Diwanji, David Connelly, Mary Campione.