(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Java Applets
A Java(tm) applet is a Java program
that can be included in an HTML page,
much like an image can be included.
When you use a Java-compatible browser
to view a page that contains a Java applet,
the applet's code is transferred to your system and executed by the browser.
(For detailed information on how to include an applet in an HTML page,
refer to the description of
the applet tag.)
- Netscape Navigator(tm) browser users:
- Here are some
applets we've written
that Netscape Navigator 2.0 can run.
- HotJava(tm) browser users:
- Here are some
applets we've written that HotJava can run.
You can find other people's applets at
a directory and registry of Java resources.
You can also
submit your own applet
for them to include.
As you can probably tell,
the Netscape Navigator 2.0 browser can run a different set of applets
than the current version of the HotJava browser can run.
The Netscape Navigator browser runs applets adhering to the final 1.0 API.
The HotJava browser hasn't been updated yet;
it can run only old applets, written to the 1.0 Alpha API.
Applets that run in Netscape Navigator 2.0
will also run in the Applet Viewer
(a tool distributed in the
Java Developers Kit).
Some pages, such as this one, work equally well with both browsers,
since they include both the old and new versions of an applet.
Most applets use the new API,
and thus do not work in HotJava.
Featured Java-Powered Page!
With BulletProof's
you can arrange to receive e-mail or alphanumeric pager alerts
about stock market performance.
MarketPage lets you specify which stocks you're interested in,
when you want to receive alerts,
and what information each alert will contain.
MarketPage works for all US and Canadian Exchanges and Mutual Funds.
We keep a list of our past featured Java-powered pages.
Unless noted otherwise,
all featured Java-powered pages work under Netscape and the Applet Viewer,
but do not work under HotJava.
Copyright ©
1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 2550 Garcia Ave., Mtn. View, CA
94043-1100 USA. All rights reserved.
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