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Who's Licensing Java?

December 13, 1995 - Symantec licenses Java technology from Sun Microsystems and releases the first Java development environment for Windows 95/NT, code name espresso.(complete text of the press release)

IBM has licensed Sun Microsystems' Java programming language to improve the way customers view and interact with Internet content. (complete text of the press release.)

December 6, 1995 - Adobe Systems Incorporated announced today it has signed an agreement with Sun Microsystems Inc. to broadly license Sun's Java programming language and integrate Java support into future versions of Adobet PageMill Web authoring software and Adobe Acrobat electronic document software. (complete text of the press release)

November 10, 1995 - Metrowerks announced that they will collaborate with Sun Microsystems to provide Java programming tools in the Code Warrior Product for Macintosh. (complete text of the press release )

November 8, 1995 - Borland International, Inc. today announced it will license Sun Microsystem's Java programming language and provide world class development tools based on the language. (complete text of the press release )

Silicon Graphics
December 4, 1995 - Silicon Graphics has licensed Java, Sun Microsystems' industry-leading object-oriented, cross-platform programming language. Java operates independently of any particular operating system or microprocessor. (complete text of the press release)

November 8, 1995 - Spyglass Inc. announced today that it has licensed Java, the revolutionary object-oriented programming language for the Internet, from Sun Microsystems, Inc. (complete text of the press release)

October 30, 1995 - As part of its open Internet solutions strategy, Oracle Corp. today announced that the new Oracle PowerBrowser will integrate Sun Microsystems Inc.'s Java technology with Network Loadable Objects, a new application framework introduced by Oracle for accessing software applications and electronic documents through networks. (complete text of the press release)

October 30, 1995 - Today at the Macromedia International Users Conference, Macromedia, the leader in multimedia and digital arts software, and Sun Microsystems, announced both companys' efforts to build and maintain open and powerful standards for graphics and multimedia on the Internet. (complete text of the press release)

May 23, 1995 - Furthering the relationship between two of the most prominent companies supplying tools and solutions for the Internet, Netscape Communications Corporation and Sun Microsystems, Inc. announced today that Netscape intends to license Sun's Java programming language to implement in the Netscape Navigator browser. (complete text of the press release)

Who'll be next? Stay tuned!
(Or maybe that's you? Check out our licensing terms)

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