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Past Featured Java-Powered Pages

Once a week or two, we feature a new Java-powered page. Since we wouldn't want our past featured pages to be forgotten, this page lists them all. To find the current featured Java-powered page, go to Java Applets.

Unless otherwise stated, all featured Java-powered pages are based on the Beta API. You can view them in Netscape Navigator 2.0 or in the Applet Viewer (a tool distributed in the Java Developers Kit).

February 19 - March 13, 1996: Have you seen those refrigerator magnet kits where each magnet has a word, and you can put magnets next to each other to form poetry? Here's an applet that lets you do just that: Electro Magnetic Poetry. This applet provides dozens of words for you to drag into some sort of sense. It just might do more good than therapy.

February 2 - 19, 1996: Here's a geographic information system applet called Regio Data. It's a module in a large-scale Java software development project. Regio Data shows a map of Rotterdam (you specify exactly which areas it shows), color coded to give you information. Although the applet is still under construction, the UI is complete enough for you to play with it. See the help page for more information on Regio Data.

January 22 - February 2, 1996: Check out c|net's Interactive PC Scoreboard, an applet that helps you choose a PC. You manipulate controls indicating how you plan to use the computer and how important you consider various characteristics (such as performance, software bundling, and price). The applet displays context-sensitive help in its upper right corner. After you submit your request, you quickly get a figure showing some PC systems to consider. Putting the cursor over a system's name brings up a panel with information about it. This applet is speedy, easy to use (except for one confusing button), and very attractive.

January 10 - 22, 1996: To see a variety of financial applets, check out Robert's Online Pricers. This non-Java-powered page leads to pages with JavaScript and Java applets such as a commissions pricer (find out how much it'll cost to buy that Sun stock!), loan pricer, option pricer, and portfolio pricer. You can also find a spreadsheet and a 1995 1040EZ tax estimator. All applets run in Netscape 2.0 (Java-enabled versions, of course). A couple of the applets are also available in 1.0 Alpha 3 versions (for you HotJava fans).

December 21, 1995 - January 10, 1996: We haven't heard of any Hanukkah or Kwanzaa applets, but here's a Christmas card from Glasgow, Scotland. It features some simple animation and a soundtrack. You can find it at http://www.spd.eee.strath.ac.uk/java/XmasTree.html

December 9-20, 1995: To see an applet that makes beautiful use of graphics and drawing, start at the introduction to The Impressionist: Painting with Java. Then follow the link to the actual applet, at http://reality.sgi.com/grafica/impression/imppaint.html. The applet lets you create a painted representation of a photograph. Source code included.

November 30-December 9, 1995: From the UK, here's a simple presentation package that supports text (of whatever color, font, and size you specify), images, and audio: http://www.virtual-inn.co.uk/orbital/beta/noPoint/. This applet can run either as an interactive slide show or in rolling demo mode.

November 22-30, 1995: Here's a solitaire game that Americans can play during their long holiday weekend: http://w3.gwis.com/~thorn/BetaSol.html (You don't have to be American to play this game, but be warned: It is addictive. Don't blame us if you waste precious work time on this game!)

November 13-22, 1995: Check out http://www.acl.lanl.gov/~rdaniel/classesJDK/PickTest2.html for a great example of using Java to display medical images. The applet draws two images side-by-side: a frontal x-ray and a transverse slice from part of the lung. Drag the yellow line on the x-ray to choose which slice to see. Source included.

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