A Hawaii-based Java User's Group has formed and will begin meeting every Friday
at noon on the campus of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, starting in January.
To join the mailing list and find out details of time and location, please contact:
Contact: Philip Johnson (johnson@hawaii.edu)
North America
Toronto- Java User's Group
The Toronto area JUG meets the first Tuesday of every month to discuss Java topics that will be of particular interest to programmers.
Contact: Greg Nenych, greg.nenych@solect.com http://www.jug.org/.
Contact: George Pickering gpickering@msn.com
Target area includes Richmond, Norfolk, and Roanoke, VA. We plan to have meetings on the second Saturday of each month beginning in March 1996.
Baltimore/Annapolis, Maryland
A new user's group will be forming in Maryland and located in the
Baltimore - Annapolis area. One of the main subjects of intrest will be
Java, Hot Java and Java script.
Contact: Stephen Rudik sdrsolve@charm.net
Our goal is to provide developer support, new applet demonstrations, share new ideas and promote the interest of all parties attending. Open to anyone from the (Tri-State Area) South Western Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and South Eastern Indiana areas.
Meetings are held on the forth Wednesday on each month.
Contact: Dennis M. Hartsock, dhartsoc@carsinfo.com, (513) 563-4542.
Cleveland, Ohio
REALOGIC, Inc., a Cleveland-based advanced technology consulting and systems integration firm, is initiating a Java Users Group for Cleveland and the surrounding Northern Ohio areas. The group will focus on exploring the proper and effective application of new Internet-based technologies (Java) and how to implement these tools to improve business processes.
The first meeting is scheduled for April 9, 1996.
Contact: Joel S. Pietrantozzi, j.pietrantozzi@realogic.com, 216.523.5800 or 800.523.5855
Atlanta Area Java Users Group
Anyone in the Atlanta area interested in starting a Java users group, please contact John Burke at 800-255-9119 or e-mail jcburke@tri.com. Joh says, "I am in the information gathering stage and would like to get a feeling for the level of interest in the Atlanta area for such a group.$quot;
Chicago- Great Lakes Java User Group
The Great Lakes Java User Group's first meeting is scheduled for 2/20/96
at 6:00 p.m. Interested people should contact Phil McGlauchlin at (847)
330-4294 or pmcglauchlin@gr.com>/A>.
Missouri & Kansas- Midwest Regional Java Users Group (MRJUG)
Open to the entire community. Interested parties with any range
of Java programming ability are welcome to attend. The first few
meetings will take the shape of Java tutorials.
Contact: Sean Russell, ser@jersey.uoregon.edu http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/ojig.
Contact: Rick Loek Rickl@omnicell.com
The first meeting will be on February 27, 1996 at 7:00 pm. The meeting place at this time will be OmniCell Technologies, located at 1101 East Meadow in Palo Alto CA.
Starting January 2, 1995, we will be introdu-
cing JAVA among our colleagues and fellow students, and hope to make
an impact in our community. We will start with conferences in our cam-
pus. We will then work throughout the semester writing applets for e-
ducational purposes. Our focus will be the Virtual University. We will
then teach a course in Object-Oriented Java programming. Whatever hap-
pens next will depend on our creativity.
Contact: Enrique D Espinosa http://www.ccm.itesm.mx/~enrique/EECDOCS/Main.html
University of the Basque Country - Hypermedia & Multimedia Group,
Computer Science Faculty of San Sebastian
The group has its main interests in
Developing Adaptive Educational Hipermedia
Create a system to mkae Hotel/Transportation reservations via Internet
Add animation to our pages
We have meetings every week covering our last developments. In January,
our meetings will be open to every student in the university (with some
computer skills) and we will try to make closer Java and, basically, the
Web to any user.
Contact: Tomas A. Perez jippefet@si.ehu.es
Where are you? We'd like to hear from you, too.
If you've started a User Group that you'd like to let people know about, send
mail to usrgrp@java.sun.com