
Solves all your timetabling problems.

Key Stage: 1/2/3/4 | RISC OS: 2/3/RISC PC  |  Memory: 1MB

Timetabler actually calcuates the timetable for you! Whether you run your timetable on an Archimedes, A3000 or PC Compatible machine Timetabler is the answer you have been looking for. Clashes and conflicts between staff, courses and rooms normally associated with producing a timetable are coped with, together with individual special cases such as 'closed' periods, course with none or two staff, rooms used for 'outsiders' etc. Courses can be flagged for concurrency to allow for example History and Geography being taught at the same time if the class is split, or exclusion so that for example Physical Education and Cookery are on seperate days to avoid pupils bringing two extra bags.

The reporting facilities within Timetabler are very comprehensive with the ability to preview for period/day/week, staff/student, stream/course/room and timetable overviews. Both manual and automatic allocation of resources are available and the two may be combined or used independently. Once the timetables have been created for the school, the program can be used to give continued information on the use of resources.

Timetabler will alleviate all the headaches of producing timetables whilst saving time and money. It will probably pay for itself when your produce your first timetable! Existing users of Timetabler are reporting massive savings due to the package's comprehensive reporting facilities. These allow instant reallocation of staff and resources thus saving time and money. A few examples are detailed below:

1) Timesavings in setting up timetable, with concomitent cost savings.

2) Monitoring of staff usage & easier cover setup, reducing need for supply teachers & allowing use of internal staff for supply resulting in further cost savings.

3) Resource usage monitoring. Free rooms for cleaners inside school hours, identifying stretched or under utilised resources, again reducing costs.

4) Instant access to available resource data, to allow for room letting to external organisations, free staff for meetings & visitor escort. Increased revenue flowing from this.

5) Simple continuity of data from year to year, producing further cost savings.

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