
Fun yet educational mechanical puzzles.

Key Stage: 1/2/3/4 | RISC OS: 2/3/RISC PC  |  Memory: 2MB

PrimeSolver is an application for creating and solving mechanical puzzles. It is designed to promote group discussion and goal oriented thought. The puzzles can be abstract or directly related to many areas of study and the curriculum.

Puzzles can be selected from the puzzle-picker list and are presented on the screen with all the tools and objects required to solve them. The Info button will tell you the object of the puzzle, then all you need do is position the pipes, cogs, engines etc., not forgetting the power needed to run them, and build your own fantastic apparatus to solve it. When you are happy with where you have positioned all the pieces, press the green GO button to start it all moving. The simulation will start, cogs will turn and chickens flap if they are part of your solution! Have you solved the puzzle? - if not have another go!. When the goal is reached and you have solved the puzzle, the next puzzle screen will be displayed.

Design mode, which is password protected, has been included to allow teachers and parents to set up their own puzzles. When in design mode, sprite files may be dropped into the window, these will become part of the puzzle as decorative backdrops and may be moved or re-sized as appropriate. Several sprites can be loaded and displayed in rotation allowing simple animations to be introduced. These sprites can also be brought to the fore and will actually interact with the simulation, allowing balls etc. to bounce off them. Once a problem has been chosen, all tools and objects may be used in its construction with the designer having full control over how many of each object the puzzle solver will have access to.

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