The easy to use text-based word-processor.
Key Stage: 2/3/4 | RISC OS: 2/3/RISC PC | Memory: 1MB
EasiWord has been designed to be easy to use, so that initially you need little knowledge to type a simple document, and yet later it may be used to produce more complex multipage, fully formatted text quickly and easily. It is a RISC OS compliant multi-tasking, WYSIWYG wordprocessor which will integrate fully with many other Archimedes applications.
Easiword has a spelling checker provided with a dictionary of over 50,000 words. Although very simple to use, EasiWord has many important features such as a clipboard with cut and paste facilities, instant, accurate word count, sophisticated search and replace and instant reformatting of text as you edit or make changes to tabs and rulers.
With EasiWord several documents can be edited at one time, different layouts created within one document and you can even have multiple document views. EasiWord enables you to create standard documents and keyboard shortcuts are available to speed up your wordprocessing skills. Documents and letters are quickly produced in printed form using printer fonts for ultra-fast output and RISC OS printer drivers.
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