The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio



Welcome to the UTHSCSA Genome Center


The main goal of the Center program project is to provide detailed physical and genetic maps of STS markers for human chromosome 3. There are three projects in the program and two cores.

This work is funded by NCHGR (P01 HG00470).

Human Chromosome 3 Databases

Provide accesss to genetic and physical mapping data for human chromosome 3. The information collated on the Human Chromosome 3 Database represents a joint effort of Sue Naylor , Peter O'Connell and Robin Leach laboratories at the UTHSCSA and mapping data from our collaborators, David Housman and Vince Stanton at MIT in Cambridge, MA. We are also pleased to present data provided by our chromosome 3 collaborators Robert Gemmill and Harry Drabkin from the Elenor Roosevelt Institute and the University of Colorado Health Science Center at Denver, CO. In addition, some of these data derive from public databases, primarily Eric Lander's Whitehead Institute Server at MIT and Genethon's CEPH . You will also find current framework, radiation hybrid and genetic linkage maps of chromosome 3 as well as information about STSs for this chromosome.

  1. Public Access Database Offers information (names, genetic positions, primer sequences, sizes, etc.) on STSs, probes and YACs.

  2. Working Database Contains preliminary unverified data. This area is password protected. Researchers interested in collaboration may request a password from server administrator.

Sensitive Chromosome 3 Maps:



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iconLinks to other pages on this server:

  1. The Susan Naylor Laboratory Home Page
  2. The Robin Leach Laboratory Home Page
  3. The Peter O'Connell Laboratory Home Page
  4. O'Connell's Breast Cancer Page
  5. Chromosome 18 Registry and Research Society

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