NIH Genome Science and Technology Center (GESTEC) at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA)


The NIH GESTEC at the UTHSCSA was established in 1992. The Center director and principal investigator is Susan Naylor . The principal investigator has worked closely with the chromosome 3 community in past years. She is the GDB editor for chromosome 3 and the Chairman of the Committee on Chromosome 3 for the Human Gene Mapping Workshop since 1988. Sue Naylor organized the first chromosome 3 workshop that was held in San Antonio in February, 1990.

The goal of the Center program project is to provide detailed physical and genetic maps of STS markers for human chromosome 3. There are three projects in the program and two cores.

This work is funded by NCHGR (P01 HG00470).

Vladimir Pekkel.

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