Software for Genetic Research
Useful software packages:
- BioTk - a library of widgets and utilities designed to support the creation of graphical user interfaces in the domain of computational biology and genome informatics. Computational Biology and Informatics Laboratory. University of Pennsylvania, 1995.
- RHDUI - The Radiation Hybrid version of DNA / GUI. A computer program for processing images of electrophoretic gels for rapid scoring of gel pairs run for radiation hybrid mapping. Stanford Human Genome Center. Stanford University School of Medicine, Genetics Department. Stanford University, 1994.
- Primer 2.2 Picks primers for PCR reactions, according to the conditions specified by the user. Primer v. 2.2 considers things like melting temperature, concentrations of various solutions in PCR reactions, primer bending and folding, and many other conditions when attempting to choose the optimal pair of primers for a reaction. All of these conditions are user-specifiable, and may vary from reaction to reaction. Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, 1995.
- STS Pipeline 1.2 - Duplicate checking, simple sequence repeat finding, vector identification, BLAST searching, and the actual primer picking itself. Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, 1995.
- Laboratory workflow software Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research.
- GRAIL and genQuest software
- ACeDB software
- QUICKMAP program and database for Sparcs Genethon, France.
- NIH Image
Software repositories:
- Whitehead Institute
- IUBio Archive Indiana U.
- NCBI FTP Archive
- Softsearch - Searching for Software and Data. GDB Collection.
- NCSA FTP Archive
- Biomedical Shareware at The University of Texas Medical School at Houston.
- Mirror of Various FTP Archives at the Japan Information Center of Science and Technology
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