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Australian National Botanic Gardens

In Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia, it is Sunday, 10-Mar-96 15:20:55 EST

The Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG) is located on the slopes of Black Mountain in Canberra, ACT. It is one of a number of agencies working on the botanical biodiversity of Australia.

This World Wide Web server provides access to a variety of local and remote information sources:

About the Botanic Gardens



Coming events and attractions

Interesting items for Net browsers

For the more serious botanist

For botanic gardens managers

For students and teachers

About the ANBG WWW server

The primary vehicles for network delivery of information from the ANBG and forming part of the ANBG Integrated Botanical Information System known as 'IBIS' are:

There are a number of distinct themes or subjects area on the ANBG gopher; these can also be accessed through the ANBG WWW server.

Other projects and activities on this server

The ANBG WWW server also holds or links to information from several other programs with which it has affiliation:

Links to other environmental and biodiversity services

Australian regional information, recreation

Test graphics and audio

Questions, help, finding information?

The development and maintenance of these WWW and Gopher information servers, and other network and computing activities is carried out in the IBIS unit of the Botany section of the Australian National Botanic Gardens. Contact Jim Croft (jrc@anbg.gov.au) and/or Greg Whitbread (ghw@anbg.gov.au).

This ANBG Biodiversity and Environmental Information Service is provided through the World Wide Web project and the NSCA Mosaic and Netscape network information browsers with links to the Internet Gopher and to WAIS. The following provide access to a vast number of other sources of network information:

Updated Monday, 26-Feb-96 08:20:01 EST, (www@anbg.gov.au)

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