(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Links to other biodiversity and environmental servers
This WWW server also links to other
thematic exhibits
and demonstrations on the Internet as well as environmental and
biodiversity WWW servers.
Australian sources
National Botanic Gardens
(gopher), Canberra
Australian National University
Bioinformatics (gopher)
Centre for Plant
Biodiversity Research, Canberra
CSIRO Tropical Forest Research
Centre (TFRC) (Gopher),
Australian Environment from the
Resources Information Network (ERIN)
Tasmanian Parks
and Wildlife Service (Australia)
Australian Geological Survey
Organization (AGSO)
Australian Surveying
and Land Information Group (AUSLIG)
Firenet -
landscape fire information network (also available on
Centre for Resource and
Environmental Studies (CRES) at the Australian National University
Society for Growing
Australian Plants (SGAP)
Other sources
Gardens and Horticulture
Australian National Botanic
Gardens WWW server
(gopher server)
Botanic Garden from Art ROM
Georgeson Botanical
Garden, School
of Agriculture and Land Resources Management,
University of Alaska
Missouri Botanic Gardens (USA)
Missouri Botanic Gardens (USA) from Texas A&M University
Missouri Botanic Gardens (USA) from Washington University, St Louis
York Botanic Gardens from the
Time Virtual Garden
Santa Barbara Botanic
Garden from Art Direct
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (UK) WWW sever (gopher server)
University of Delaware Botanic Gardens including on-line tours, from the AGINFO gopher server
Botanic Gardens from McMaster
University, Ontario, Canada
Botany at Guelph, including
greenhouse tour,
from Univ. Guelph, Canada
Univ. Georgia (USA) Botany Dept WWW server, incl. greenhouse tour (gopher server)
Greenhouses at the
Dept of Ecology &
Evolutionary Biology at
Univ. of Connecticut
Arboretum at the University of Connecticut - Stamford
National Wildflower
Research Centre, Austin, Texas
The Orchid
House from Waterloo, Canada
Irises (the
Rhododendron Trust, New Zealand
Herb Garden of the University of Washington
Society for Growing
Australian Plants (SGAP)
Extension, Commercial, Suppliers
Aggie Horticulture
Garden Gate
Garden Net
The Garden
Patch, from the
Virtual Mirror
Cyber-Plantsman, from the
Virtual Mirror
The Virtual Garden from
Master Gardener
Information from the
Texas Agricultural Extension Service
Florida Agricultral Information
Retrival System (FAIRS)
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Virginia Cooperative Extension
(VCE) (Gopher) at
Virginia Tech
Hydroponics from
InterUrban WaterFarms
Gary Lipes's
Wildflower page (USA)
Society for Growing
Australian Plants (SGAP)
Nusery, Champaign, Illinois
The Paphiodedilum
Grower's Manual (Advert.)
Nurseries, Florida
Shanti Bithi,
a virtual nursery
Shields Daylily Gardens,
Westfield, Indiana
Farm and Gardens from the
Virtual Mirror
Venger's Orchids
WV Botanicals
Herbaria, Universities and Botanical museums
Department of the
National Museum of
Natural History of the
Smithsonian Institution
Finnish Museum
of Natural History, Botany Museum (H)
Botanical Institute of the
University of Copenhagen
Botany, Botany, Horticulture & Landscape of the
University of Reading, UK
Herbarium of the Univ. Connecticut, New London
Herbarium from the Virtual
Galleries of the Utah State University
State University Herbaium from Oregon
State University
University of
Texas Herbarium from the Texas Natural History Collections
of the Texas Memorial Museum
Texas A&M Univ. Plant Diversity Information Centre
Department of Biology and Institute for Scientific Computation - Texas
A&M University
Dept of Botany,
Univ. Wisconsin
Botany, Flowering
Plants page from California State
Univ. BioWeb
Systematics and Evolution from the
Biology Department, Univ.
Lethbridge, Canada
Swedish Museum of Natural
History (Collections)
University of
Florida Herbarium (FLAS)
Database Projects
South Eastern Regional Floristic
Information System (SERFIS)
SMASCH Project
Remote Managing Gigabytes
of Australia
Flora of
China from the
Missouri Botanic
Flora of Europe, a
photographic herbarium
Mesoamericana from the
Missouri Botanic
Flora of North America from
the Missouri Botanic Gardens
Navasota Flora
from Botany, Texas
A&M University
of Wisconsin - an interactive key from the
Dept of Botany,
Univ. Wisconsin
Family Descriptions
Families of Flowering Plants by L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz from
Descriptions from the Dept of
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at the
University of Connecticut
Other Botany Resources
Poisonous Plants
from the Poisons
Information Database from the Biomed
server at the National University of Singapore
Carnivorous Plants Database
Marco Bleekers
botanical images
International Organization of Palaeobotany including the Plant Fossil Record Database
Oxford Forestry Institute (UK) WWW server
British Trees from U-Net, UK
Dendrome - a genome database for forest trees (gopher server)
Plant genome information from the US National Agrigcultural Library
UK Plant Genetic
Resources Group
BIOSCI/bionet Electronic Newsgroup
for Biology
List Serve Archives
Biodiversity and Environmental resources
Biodiversity and Biological
Collections server at Cornell
University (Gopher)
Biodiversity and
Ecosystems Network (BENE)
Department of Organismic & Evolutionary
Biology at Harvard University
from the US Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Biology Program of Boyce
Thompson Institute
Education on the Internet
Environmental News Network
The Tree of Life: a phylogenetic navigator for the Internet from the University of Arizona
MendelWeb - Gregor Mendel's pea genetics
Museum Informatics Project (MIP), Univ. California Berekley
Museum of Paleontology, Univ. California Berkeley WWW server
California Academy of Sciences WWW server
SMASCH project of Californian herbaria
Base de Dados Tropical (BDT) biodiversity WWW server, Brazil
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad
(INBio), Costa Rica
Information Centre for the
Environment (ICE) from the Univ.
California, Davis
Environment Canada
Natural Resources Canada
Botanical Conservation Network (CBCN)
CSU BioWeb from California State Univ.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Environmental Sciences Division WWW server
EcoWeb WWW server from the University of Virginia
Enviroweb WWW server from the Envirolink network.
AgInfo from the University
of Arizona College of Agriculture
Geographic Information Analysis Laboratory (GIAL) at SUNY, Buffalo. Includes links to geographic resources on the Internet
The Exploratorium WWW server in
San Francisco
Interactive World Map
from the Xerox Palo Alto Research
Global and International Projects
Biodiversity Information Network (BIN21)
from ANBG/CPBR, Canberra
Biodiversity Information
Network (BIN21) from
Base de Dados Tropical (BDT), Brazil
Consortium for International Earth
Science Information Network (CIESIN)
Global Environmental
Network for Information Exchange (GENIE) in the UK
Centre for Environmantal
Research and Conservation Columbia University (USA)
United States Federal Agencies
National Museum of
Natural History of the
Smithsonian Institution
US National
Agricultural Library Plant Genome server
US Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
US Department of the Interior
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
US Geological Survey (USGS)
US National
Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Environmental Information
National Geophysical Data Centre (NGDC)
United States State and other Agencies
Nebraska Game and Parks
Grand Canyon National Park WWW home page
International Organizations
Biodiversity Information Network (BIN21)
from ANBG/CPBR, Canberra
Biodiversity Information
Network (BIN21) from
Base de Dados Tropical (BDT), Brazil
International Arid
Lands Consortium from the University
of Arizona College of Agriculture
Linkages - from the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISDNet)
Organization of Paleobotany (IOP)
Organization for Plant Information (IOPI)
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) from the
Central European Environmental
Data Request Facility (CEDAR)
Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
Friends of the Earth (FOE)
Greenpeace International
Institute for Global Communications (IGC) gopher of the Association for Progressive Computing (APC)
The North
American Plant Preservation Council
The Sierra Club WWW server
Wilderness Society (USA)
World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) WWW server
Nonprofit Organizations on the Internet
Natural History Museums
institutions listed
Virtual Museums
Gardens, Exhibits,
museums from Planet Earth Home
Other Biological Lists
Biosciences at
Steve Wolf Botany Page
A Collection of
Botany Related URL's from
Raino Lampinen, Finland
List of WWW sites of
interest to botanists,
also mirrored
List of
WWW sites of interest to ecologists
Updated Monday, 30-Oct-95 21:44:05 EST,
Jim Croft