db trader offers an extensive on-line real time inquiry capability that supports management information and control functions, as well as back office operations.
The Trades inquiry offers many real time trade information views based on a wide variety of available selection parameters, e.g., all trades or specific trades for an account or counterparty, transaction types, all foreign exchange trades. From the overviews, additional financial information and trade details can be viewed.
Current and historical security Prices which are dated and time-stamped can be queried. db trader interfaces with many quoting services. Prices are used to determine market value for all trades and positions in the system. A Price Comparison Report, broken down by product and currency, lists all discrepancies between internally-entered prices and externally-supplied prices and indicates the profit and loss value for any prices that exceed a specific percentage difference.
Stock Record Positions and Transactions
These inquiries display real time Stock Record positions and receipt and delivery transactions. Security and client information, total face value, depot and depot status information is provided. Individual transaction and position details can be viewed.
Foreign Exchange forward rates for all traded currencies can be viewed by selected date with bid and offer and middle rates. These rates are used as defaults to value trades and positions in foreign currencies.
Money Market Contracts can be viewed from a number of perspectives depending on the selection parameters entered -- contract number, contract type, customer, currency, value date or maturity date. Contract and customer, currency, projected balance, value and maturity dates, and status information is displayed. Projected interest can be calculated and displayed.
The Futures & Options Module provides inquiry functionality specific to the futures and options business.
The Stock Borrow and Loan Module incorporates two basic Information System inquiries: the Trades and the Positions / Transactions per Customer.
The Pre-Advice Facility (PRAF) inquiry accesses and displays PRAF transactions based a wide variety of selection criteria. "Open PRAF Only" or "Settled Only" viewing options are provided. Partials are easily recognizable. In addition, complete transaction detail may be displayed for any selection.
The Certificate /Vault Administration inquiries provide easy access to information regarding certificates. Certificates status transfer and location status transfer information can be viewed.
The Settlement Agency Information System provides settlement information for the transactions being cleared, e.g. at Euroclear, Kassenverein, DTC. Many views are possible, e.g., transactions that are settled or unsettled, sent or not sent, sorts by security, payment currency, trade date and value date.