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Positions & Analysis

Position Per Account

For every account in the Account Master File, the positions for an individual security or for all securities, as well as for all transactions, can be displayed on a settlement day or trade day basis. Multi-currency information that can be viewed includes: Average Cost - weighted average cost of the position in the security currency and the average currency rate for positions not denominated in the location's functional currency; Market Price - market price for the securities in the position and the actual currency rate or all non-base currency positions; Amount - base and foreign currency account balances reflecting the total average cost for each position; Margin - cash and security balances for margin customers plus calculations (done based on local regulations) which indicate if the account has sufficient margin; Collateral - indicates to what extent a position is used as collateral; Cash Management - the current cash balance and projected cash flow from transactions over the next 15 months.

The Position Per Account shows all financial instruments in one portfolio, providing the basis for portfolio management analysis.

Portfolio Management reports and customer output include: Portfolio Analysis, Portfolio Cross Reference Report, Capital Gains Report, Account Activities Report, and Customer Statement / Evaluation / Advice.

Trader's Position

The Trader's Position inquiry displays real time trade date positions, market prices, and realized and unrealized profit and loss information for all securities in a trader's account. A pop-up menu offers further selections: Historical Average Cost, Trader's Mark, and the Security P&L Window which accesses details of individual security positions. At the total account level, the system calculates Long & Short Market Value, Unrealized & Realized Profit & Loss. In addition, a pop-up Trade Entry option is available.

TRADER'S POSITION INFORMATION      Trade Date  020895              POS02 
 ---------------- ------->>>>>>>>>> Pf 1 for Menu <<<<<<<<<<---------------
  Acct No         100  Mkt Value: L -         439,507 S -      -1,400,020
          Last Year    Year to Date  Month to Date   Unrealized  Realized
  P/L:         0          165790         62799       -62799           0
  Fees:        0               0             0                        0
  Position      CCY Security                 Cost  Mkt Price  Unreal  Real
            1000 USD EQUITY SEC            22.0000    23.0000  . 1000
         -100000 USD FOUR TW               14.0000    14.0000       
           30000 FRF IBM STOCK             69.2500    71.2500   60000
                 USD NEW ISSUE
             100 USD YB                    18.0000    18.0000    1799

Management Position

This view combines positions from accounts which are controlled by the same account manager. The queries are the same as those for the Trader's Position, and Trade Entry is also possible from the Management Position function.

Position Per Security

For any given security, all positions in all accounts or a position in a specific account can be displayed. An end-date for positions or a data range for transactions can be specified. Both positions and transactions can then be viewed on a trade-date or settlement-date basis. For the security positions specified, the following multi-currency views are also available: Average Cost, Market Price, Amount, Margin, Collateral, Liquidations and Cash Management.

  SEC NO     001        SEC NAME   IBM STOCK                       950403
  ACCOUNT               CCY   FACE/SHARES            AVERAGE COST
   TRUST NO 2           FRF        960050             122.6343388              
   TRUST NO 3           FRF         73000            6547.2807923              
   FIRM ACCT 5          FRF         14000             104.0161442              
   TRUST NO 9           FRF         20000              62.3470500              
   TRUST NO 12          FRF         16000              91.5437500              
   TRUST NO 14          FRF         10000              62.1697000               
   TRUST NO 25          FRF          1000              26.0000000               
   TJM FIRM TRADES      FRF         40000              21.8817000               
   ACCT ONE             FRF          9000             126.0000000               
   DODY TRUST           FRF          2000             126.0000000               
   FIRM ACCT 444        FRF          1000             126.0000000               
   GLOBAL BORROW        FRF        100205             124.2500000               
   MKS TRUST            FRF          7000             126.0000000               
2/4/5-Paging  7-A/C  9-Security  13-Transactions   15-Hardcopy  16/24-Exit
17-Average 20-Amount 21-Margin 22-Collateral 23-Liquidations 12-Cash Mgmt.


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