The db trader Global Borrow & Loan Module accommodates all lending locations and the cross-border lending of securities and the receipt of collateral. The module is fully multi-currency and is designed to perform multiple currency conversions which may be necessary when taking into consideration: residency of the account, residency of the counterparty, country of loan delivery, country of collateral delivery, country of issue of the loaned securities / securities deposited as collateral, and dual country reporting requirements.
The db trader Global Borrow & Loan Module offers on-line, real-time control over the borrowing, lending, repo, and financing trading activities of corporate issues and government securities. In addition to portfolio management for dealers, banks, insurance companies, mutual funds and corporations, the module can support a worldwide network of customers, counterparties and fixed income and equity trading desks.
Deregulation makes it important that the Borrow & Loan Module accommodate a 24-hour network around the globe to facilitate lending out of customer portfolios, free box and Firm inventories, and trader activities -- borrowing to complete deliveries, borrow and loan for derivative purposes, support of arbitrages and providing financing.
The module supports cash and non-cash collateral type transactions which are valued each day. New borrows and loans for future settlement can be entered.
Credit Limits can be established for any type of business transaction or currency. The Receive and Deliver Instructions for cash, securities and location can be established for any valid currency or country worldwide inclusive of required pre-payment days.
The currency denomination of the loan is defaulted to the currency of the country of delivery -- thereby facilitating the pricing and marking in local base currency. Translations to other currencies are then performed as required for the processing, displaying and reporting on the borrows and loans.
DB TRADER P E N D I N G B / L S E T T L E M E N T S IWT41F 022195 000000 PAGE 1 000000 Date Security Quantity Cpty Value CCY CT Rate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- B R 9/16 D 10,000 GOLDEN 81,250 USD US BCR 9/16 IBM 900 DECK 1 65,700 USD US 5.0000 BCR 9/16 IBM 700 DECK 1 51,100 USD US 5.0000 BC 9/16 IBM 400 DECK 1 29,200 USD US 5.0000 BC 9/16 IBM 300 DECK 1 21,900 USD US 5.0000 BCR 9/16 IBM 100 DECK 1 7,300 USD US 6.0000 BCR 9/16 IBM 100 DECK 1 7,300 USD US 6.0000 BC 9/16 IBM 100 DECK 1 7,300 USD US 5.0000 BCR 9/16 IBM 50 DECK 1 3,650 USD US BCR 9/16 IBM 25 DECK 1 1,825 USD US BCR 9/16 IBM 25 DECK 1 1,825 USD US 6.0000 BCR 9/16 IBM 25 DECK 1 1,825 USD US 6.0000 BCR 9/16 IBM 25 DECK 1 1,825 USD US 6.0000 BCR 9/16 IBM 15 DECK 1 1,095 USD US 6.0000 BCR 9/16 JPM 500 JENNYC 32,550 USD US 5.0000 ============================================================================ 1-Sort 2-First 5-Advance 1 8-Settle Security 9-Settle Cash 10-Settle Both Settlement Date 091694 11-Lookup 12-Delete 13-Show Transaction 14-Reference 15-Hardcopy 16-Exit