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European Software Excellence Awards



Winner - Creatures
Death wasn't the only possible outcome in 1996. PC pets that you teach and tame were a major trend and our winner - Creatures by Warner Entertainment took advantage of developments in artificial intelligence technology and lovely graphics to create something remarkably cuddly-looking. If that seems a bit too tame, take heart: you can teach it to say Bollocks!
Finalist - Diablo
Possibly the most accessible Role Playing Game ever, Diablo from Zablac/Blizzard has attracted legions of fans with its traditional characters and storyline allied to action-orientated gameplay. An ever changing dungeon, superb soundtrack and excellent on-line multiplayer support via Blizzard's free battle.net servers have helped to make it a phenomenon.
Finalist - MDK
How do you describe Shiny Entertainment's MDK? It's difficult because this genuinely original survival game borrows from a variety of genres and styles. Set in space, it blends action with thinking, black humour with weird locations and lets you view the violence from over the shooters shoulder.

*The judging process

The Winners

*Best French Product
*Best German Product
*Best UK Product
*Business Productivity
*Languages and Tools


*Usability Excellence
*Technical Excellence


*Usability Excellence
*Technical Exellence

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