The Amiga Monitor is a high-quality online Amiga magazine based in Binghamton, New York, USA and published by Michael Webb. The first issue was released in August, 1996 and included this mission statement: "What we hope to bring you, on a monthly basis, is an up-to-date digest of goings-on in the Amiga community, combined with interesting features and insightful editorial. We want to bring you the story, and illustrate it with appropriate analysis and information. This, and more, is what we shall endeavor to do in the years ahead.". If subsequent issues are as well-done as the first, we feel that The Amiga Monitor will live up to its objectives.
Based on its quality, CUCUG has decided to carry issues of The Amiga Monitor on its server. We have also added a search feature so that you can search issues of The Amiga Monitor by keyword. However, please note that Mike maintains a primary site for The Amiga Monitor as well. There, you can also find various formats (html, lha, zip, etc) of the magazine to download and read locally.