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The Staff of The Amiga Monitor

Michael Webb
Samuel Ormes
Anthony Becker
Greg Noggle
Fred Ericksen
Charles Jefts
Paul Somerfeldt
Kyle Webb
Publisher, Editor-in-Chief
Senior Editor, Chief Correspondent
Executive Editor, HTML to AmigaGuide Translator
Telecommunications Editor, Hardware Guru
Music and MIDI Editor
Games Editor
Chief Contributing Writer
Graphics Designer/Artistic Coordinator
c/o 103165.3700@compuserve.com

How to reach us:

All business and concerns associated with The Amiga Monitor are currently handled through email at
and a mailto: link to the author of each article can be found at the end of each article.

Availability of The Amiga Monitor

"The Amiga Monitor" is published monthly online. It may be uploaded in its entirety to any location on the internet, but its home location is at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/ HomePages/MikeWebb/
The Amiga Monitor is based in Binghamton, New York, USA.
The Amiga Monitor is optimized for IBrowse on the Amiga.

Editor's Notes...

First, I would like to thank you all for your interest in our new online Amiga magazine, "The Amiga Monitor." With this being our first issue, there is a great deal to be said about what our mission is, what we hope to accomplish and how, and what it all means for you, the Amiga community. My intro ductory article (listed below in the Table of Contents) will attempt to explain the format and general philosophy of "The Amiga Monitor."

The Amiga's future is quite uncertain now. It could cease to exist in a technological sense now, or it could go on achieve a certain measure of success in the computer industry. There will probably be very little middle ground in this case. Although much of what will happen to the Amiga depends upon the companies involved with it, much more still is based on the actions, and views, of the Amiga community. Yes, my friends, you and I and the rest of us; we have achieved a greater level of "community spirit" than the proponents of nearly any other product in industrial history. And we should be proud of that, and take advantage of it. These are trying times, and they are crucial times; and we want to make the best of them. So without further ado, we will enter Volume 1, Issue 1 of "The Amiga Monitor."

Michael Webb




The Amiga Monitor's Charter Message and Introduction
By Michael Webb, with contributions from other staff members
Our mission, and our objectives; what we hope to bring to you, the Amiga community, and how; what we stand for; and the roads travelled by each of us so far.

Musings From AmiGeddon
By Samuel Ormes
Shall the Amiga live on, or have we gone too close to the edge one too many times? Is this the end, or simply a new beginning? Our Senior Editor and Chief Correspondent brings his Sam Report style and strength to The Amiga Monitor.

A Clarion Call to the New Owners of the Amiga
By Anthony Becker
The much-maligned Commodore did one thing very right. Anthony Becker takes a look back, shows where all began to go awry, and declares the imperative course for the future.

Where Have the Years Gone?
By Michael Webb
In our current state of affairs, one cannot help but look back fondly upon the earlier years; but as Michael Webb relates, the past is forever behind us, and the only way we will relive it is if we take on the future with the wisdom of experience.


Final Writer 5
By Michael Webb
Softwood's heavy-duty word processor for the Amiga reaches another new version.

The SyQuest EZ135 Drive
By Michael Webb
SyQuest returns to the entry level in a big way, and we check it out.

Virtual Memory Manager Version 3.3a
By Anthony Becker
Virtual memory, a truly useful feature long absent from the Amiga's operating system, comes to us in this reliable shareware form, and Our Man Tone investigates.


Amiga Gaming Retrospective: Part 1
By Michael Webb
Michael Webb takes a look back to the early years of Amigas, and the games made for them.

Trapped June Preview and August Preview supplemental information
By Anthony Becker
Another in the long series of 3D texture-mapped free-scrolling games for the Amiga, but with a new twist...AND significant versatility with regards to the hardware in your Amiga (OCS/ECS/AGA support, and more); Tone takes a closer look.


By the Editorial Staff
The staff of The Amiga Monitor tackles your problems and answers your questions, just like we do every night live on Genie.

By you, the readers
The readers speak out about the Amiga industry, Amiga community, and The Amiga Monitor.


Be sure to check out the September 1996 Issue of The Amiga Monitor

What you'll see in our next issue:

Look for Issue 2 in Early September

The Amiga Monitor: 1996, Excelsior Digital Publishing
The Amiga Monitor's home site is at URL http://ourworld.compuserve.com/HomePages/MikeWebb/

Some Key Amiga and Amiga Monitor-oriented links:

Amiga Monitor Main Index | Amiga Web Directory