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Editor's Notes

Another month has gone by, and the fun continues in the Amiga community. This time, new stories have come out about licensing and the sale of technology, and there have been some interesting disputes. Rather than repeat what our editors have prepared for you, however, I'll refer you to The Sam Report and The Tone Byte below for more information.

Not too long ago, I was wondering what I was going to write here this month. Writer's block? Well, no. Actually, we started planning some of the changes to be made and special stories and features to be written for next month, which will be, believe it or not, the first issue of Volume 2 of The Amiga Monitor. We intended to make this a fairly short issue, in preparation for the special one-year anniversary issue, simply because of the time involved.

So we prepared to do that, and I prepared to think of something equally condensed to write here, but the writers went and surprised us. Yep, while we thought this issue would be relatively small, I received a number of articles which filled it out fairly well anyway. So, I'm pleased to say, here is the July issue, just about normal-size; but we also promise something extra special for next month, including a retrospective, and a view to what the future may hold for the Amiga, and for The Amiga Monitor. And plenty more, of course.

This month, we have some articles from Steve Duff and Leo Maxwell, both of whom have written for AM before. There is also some interesting material from Greg Noggle and Bill Graham, and the editorial staff came through with the ever-timely Sam Report and Tone Byte, thanks to Sam Ormes and Anthony Becker. I won't give away all the secrets, though; there are a few more items "hidden" below in the Table of Contents.

In the meantime, as they say, "I'm outta here!". After all, there is plenty of work and preparation to be done. So I'll see you next month!

Michael Webb
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief




The Sam Report: More Like Rabbits Than Cows
By Sam Ormes
Some recent events may lead people to wonder just how many faces, through licensing and the like, the Amiga is eventually going to have.

The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail (CAUCE): A Press Release
Edited By Michael Webb
Unsolicited commercial e-mail is an issue affecting many people Internet-wide, regardless of origins, status, and computer platform. Included here is some fairly current information on the ongoing battle against "spam".


Faster, Faster !!
By Leo Maxwell
With downloadable files getting larger, inlined images getting more colorful, and the Internet itself apparently getting wider and more expansive all the time, higher and higher data transfer rates are needed in order to have a "tolerable" experience online. This month, Leo Maxwell tells us one way to enhance overall modem performance in a big way.

3D Graphics with Imagine: Past, Present, and Future
By Bill Graham
Bill Graham takes a look at an all-time classic Amiga software package through the years, and its direction in the near future.

One Family, Several Amigas: A Profile
By Michael Webb and Eric Ross
As it's often easy to forget, older Amiga systems still make great machines for creativity, utility, and education alike. This is the story of one family that continues to use several Amigas to accomplish a variety of tasks and objectives.


The Picasso IV: Continued
By Greg Noggle
After getting off to an uncertain start, Greg's Picasso IV, and the people who make it, yield some answers.


Breathless AGA
By Steve Duff
Steve Duff takes a look at one of the better-known of the current collection of Amiga 3D texture-mapping Doom-style games.


The Tone Byte
By Anthony Becker
Tone takes a quick look at a number of current Amiga products and issues.

Lame Humor Department
By Kyle Webb
A satirical, sarcastic, sardonic, and sometimes downright silly look at affairs in the Amiga community, and life in general...also known as The Amiga Monitor's comic page.

The Amiga Monitor: 1996-1997, Excelsior Digital Publishing
The Amiga Monitor's home site is at URL http://ourworld.compuserve.com/HomePages/MikeWebb/

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