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Editor's Notes

Well, my friends, the Amiga seems to have successfully reached another critical juncture in its history and legacy. It now appears that Gateway 2000, a major PC manufacturer, will be the next owner of the Amiga.

And what a journey it has been. None could have foreseen everything that has happened so far even four years ago, much less twelve years into history, when the Amiga was first launched. Even the day before the March 27th announcement, many would probably have considered Gateway 2000's entrance far from the realm of possibility.

But surely enough, at a moment of mounting despair and concern when many were beginning to doubt the Amiga had any hope for a future, the South Dakota-based U.S. PC manufacturer stepped in and initiated what now appears to be a virtual certainty, their ownership of the Amiga.

I believe this has the potential to be very good for the Amiga. Bear in mind that just because Gateway 2000 made a bid, it wasn't a done deal without approval from the German bankruptcy courts. Beyond that, we do not know what they intend to do. However, nearly all indications so far seem almost surprisingly positive.

But now on to matters of The Amiga Monitor. If you have been following us regularly, you may have noticed that this issue of AM is rather late, and short of a few regular segments. For that, I apologize; I was quite ill for a time at the beginning of this month, and since then, have been dealing with numerous outside commitments and computer problems. The result is that I had very little time to put this issue together. I'm not making excuses, mind you; rather, I believe that you, the readers, deserve an explanation for this temporary irregularity. We will endeavor, however, to get things back on track immediately. For those who have sent e-mail to me, I promise that if I received your message, I will get back to you, even though there will probably be a delay until I catch up after my extended absence.

But for now, let's keep on eye on where the Amiga/Gateway situation goes from here. For although there is no guarantee of success, neither is there a guarantee of failure - something that before March 27th had been becoming more likely with each passing day - especially now that the Amiga might have its best chance for success ever. But as we so often must say, only time will tell...

Michael Webb
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief




Gateway 2000 Acquires Amiga Technologies
By Michael Webb
The original Gateway 2000 press release.

The Sam Report
By Sam Ormes
The Amiga community has certainly responded in a big way to the Gateway 2000 announcement, to a degree beyond most expectations, and in some cases, perhaps beyond reason; Sam Ormes now in turn responds to that.

Amiga: Second Foundation?
By Michael Webb
The Gateway bid, its apparent significance at this time, and what it may mean for the future.

Amiga 97 Show Report
By Beth Wise
AM Associate Publicist Beth Wise journeyed to St. Louis back in March, site of one of the most significant Amiga shows in recent times, and here's her complete report on what she saw there.


Search Engines
By Danny Green
Danny Green continues his Internet series this month with a look at search engines, your guides and librarians to the vast world of the Internet.

CD-ROM on the Cheap!
By Leo Maxwell
Do you find your Amiga filling up with expansion devices? Is the equipment required for some devices just too expensive for your budget? This article presents a creative solution to such common problems, but leads to one other question: have you ever expanded your Amiga by adding a PC to it?


Notice to Potential Buyers of the Picasso IV
By Greg Noggle
If you are considering buying a Picasso IV graphics card for your Amiga, don't do so until you read this article. As Greg Noggle reports in this "preview review", depending on your system configuration, the card could end up being far more trouble, and financial risk, than it is worth.


By Anthony Becker
Tone looks into one of Vulcan Software's latest releases, an arena-style automobile demolition derby game.


By the Editorial Staff
The staff of The Amiga Monitor tackles your problems and answers your questions, just like we do every night live on Genie.

By you, the readers
The readers speak out about the Amiga industry, Amiga community, and The Amiga Monitor.

Just For Fun
By Michael Webb
Surely you've heard some of the many dire predictions of Armageddon or related occurrences believed to be destined to occur around the year 2000. But many of you probably didn't know they were right...

The Tone Byte
By Anthony Becker
Tone takes a quick looks at a number of current Amiga products and issues.

Lame Humor Department
By Kyle Webb
A satirical, sarcastic, sardonic, and sometimes downright silly look at affairs in the Amiga community, and life in general...also known as The Amiga Monitor's comic page.

The Amiga Monitor: 1996-1997, Excelsior Digital Publishing
The Amiga Monitor's home site is at URL http://ourworld.compuserve.com/HomePages/MikeWebb/

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