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An excellent resource for insect images is an ftp site at the Smithsonian Institution at (look in /images/gif89a/science-nature). Available photos of insects include:
Another location for a few insect photos is the Biodiversity and Biological Collections Gopher (Cornell University) at gopher://
The Entomology WWW Server at at Iowa State University has images of a number of species of
There are images of different gypsy moth life stages at Virginia Tech:
Chris Conroy ( has celebrated the success of his first apiary with a short movie:
To take part in group discussions on entomology by electronic mail, there are some good selections of Entomology list servers available (if you feel a little overwhelmed by the list below, try ENTOMO-L to get started).
ACAROLOGY This list pertains to the ACARI (mites and ticks). Subscribe by sending "subscribe acarology" (in the text part of the message) to This command must NOT be sent to the list address "". Please remember NOT to add a signature to your message. Leave the list by sending "unsubscribe acarology" to "". Send a "help" command to "" for information on listserver commands. The contact person for the list is Dr. Zhi-Qiang Zhang (
BCREGS-L This list concerns the proposed rule which will regulate the application of biological control in the United States (7 CFR 335 Plant Pests: Introduction of Nonindigenous Organisms: Proposed Rule). To join, send e-mail to LISTSERV@UAFSYSB.UARK.EDU with a blank subject line and body text consisting of SUBSCRIBE BCREGS-L JANE DOE where Jane Doe is your real name. The list is maintained by Tim Kring ( of the University of Arkansas.
BEE-L This list provides a format for discussion of bee research and biology. Subjects include sociobiology, behavior, ecology, genetics, taxonomy, physiology, pollination, and many others. The contact person for the list is Mary Jo Orzech (mjo@brock1p.bitnet). To subscribe, send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU with body text consisting of "SUBSCRIBE BEE-L Jane Doe" where Jane Doe is your real name. You will receive further instructions from the listserver.
BIOCONTROL-L is maintained in Brazil. Subscription to this list can be done by sending the message SUBSCRIBE BIOCONTROL-L [Your name] to Contact Sidnei de Souza ( for more information.
BIODICEN-L is a listserver for the proposed U.S. National Biodiversity Information Center. To subscribe, send the message "SUBSCRIBE BIODICEN-L
BOMBUS is dedicated to bumblebees. To subscribe, send a message to To send a message to everyone on the list, mail it to The Bombus list is maintained by Chris Plowright (
BUGNET has been formed to meet the need for a "non-professional" entomology mailing list, i.e. to serve as a resource for teachers and bug enthusiasts to ask questions to professional entomologists. To subscribe, send an email message to with a blank subject line and body text consisting of "subscribe bugnet John Doe" where John Doe is your real name. For messages to the subscribers, send to
CHEMECOL is available for discussion about chemical ecology. You can join by sending email to, with the message subscribe chemecol your name. After you join, send postings to Contact Clecio Fernando Klitzke at for more information.
DPLEX-L is for use by teachers, researchers, students and others interested in the Monarch Watch and/or monarch biology. Contact Julie Ellis at JELLIS@KUHUB.CC.UKANS.EDU for more information.
ENT-CHN is intended for discussion among Chinese entomologists. Those interested in joining ENT-CHN should send e-mail to LISTSERV@NCSU.EDU with the message SUBSCRIBE ENT-CHN JANE DOE (where JANE DOE is your real name).
ENT-LIST is maintained at the University of Michigan, and is more restricted to insect systematics and curatorial matters. Those interested in joining ENT-LIST should send e-mail to MFOBRIEN@UMICH.EDU.
ENTOMO-L is maintained at the University of Guelph in Canada, and pertains to entomology in general. To join the list, send an e-mail message with a blank subject line to LISTSERV@UOGUELPH.CA with the text as follows: SUBSCRIBE ENTOMO-L YOUR-NAME (where YOUR-NAME is your real name). You will then receive regular messages on entomological topics (usually about 5-10 per day) from other members in the group.
MOLA is a print newsletter (not currently on-line) by and for those interested in beetle immatures, produced by Paul Johnson ( at South Dakota State University.
MOTH@GYPSY is a listserver that is dedicated to exchange of
information about the gypsy moth world-wide. You can subscribe by sending a message to with ' subscribe moth "your name" ' in the body of the message. Alternatively, if your WWW browser has forms support, you can subscribe just by clicking here.
NEUROPTERA-L is a list server for lacewings, alder flies, snake flies, mantis flies, ant-lions, and their kin. To subscribe, contact and send the message SUBSCRIBE NEUROPTERA-L. The list is maintained by Peter McEwen ( at Cardiff in the United Kingdom.
PESTCON is maintained at the University of Iowa, and has discussions on Integrated Pest Management (IPM). To subscribe to PESTCON send an internet message to LISTSERV@UIOWA.EDU, leave the subject line blank, and in the body of the message write SUBSCRIBE PESTCON "your name" on one line, and QUIT on the next line.
SIMULIIDAE is maintained by the British Simuliid Group (BSG). Join by sending email to, with the message "join simuliidae your-firstname(s) lastname stop". You can email T.R. Williams at for more information. Ensure that your usual mail address appears in the 'From:' field of your message, or Mailbase won't recognise you (more on Mailbase is available by WWW or gopher).
SOCINSCT is available for discussion about social insects.
Computerized administrator:
TAXACOM is available for discussion on systematics and taxonomy. To subscribe, send a message to LISTSERV@CMSA.BERKELEY.EDU with the single line: subscribe taxacom your_name. The TAXACOM List Archive is also indexed by date, author, and conveniently browsable as a World Wide Web Hypermail archive.
Pesticide Special Review and Reregistration Information System is a public access BBS brought to you by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The files center around the progress and decisions resulting from re-examination of data on existing pesticides, many of them having been on the market for years, and many of them being high-use or well-known chemicals in agriculture, industry, and in the home.
(703) 308-7224
IPMnet is a joint effort of the Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP) and the USDA National Biological Impact Assessment Program. To connect with IPMnet:
Type: telnet;
At the prompt "cicp login:" type: gopher.
MosquitoNet is a dial-in bulletin board system maintained by Bruce Eldridge and his laboratory at UC-Davis. The number to call with your modem is 916-752-5484. There are no charges for opening an account. The first time you dial, MosquitoNet will take information and then drop you off the line. Your accounts will be activated usually within 24 hours.
A Cooperative Extension CD-ROM with a large number of insect images is available from the Urban IPM Program at Colorado State University.
Human administrator:
To send mail to the group write to:
STORED_PRODUCT_MG is available for discussion about post-harvest issues. To subscribe, send a message to You do not need a subject heading. The ONLY thing in your message should be the following single line
(lowercase): subscribe stored_product_mg. The Almanac server will read this line, take your address (which it will find in the header), and add your address to the mail group.Entomology on Usenet News
Usenet News groups are another excellent way to exchange messages with other entomologists. If you need software, tin is available for unix, and Newswatcher is available for Macintosh. Popular newsgroups for entomology are:
Entomology Bulletin Boards
Compiled by L. B. Bjostad (Colorado State University, and J. K. VanDyk (Iowa State University,
8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit
1200 - 14,400 bpsEntomology on CD-ROM
A list of CD-ROM titles with entomological materials is available on the Entomology WWW server at Iowa State University.
This WWW site first went into operation on 27 February 1994 and is maintained by Lou Bjostad ( Please note that we log all requests, and access statistics are updated daily. Use and distribute materials at this site as you wish (unless individual files stipulate that you may not), but do not sell them without permission from Colorado State University.