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Assumption College Home Page

Assumption College Home Page

Welcome to the Assumption College (Worcester, Massachusetts, USA) World-Wide-Web Service. (That's "Woos-ter", not "Wor-chest-er"; there is no "h".) By now you are probably tired of seeing the message "under construction" when you browse the Internet, but because most of the stuff on the "information superhighway" is new and rapidly changing, it's true here, too. (It will probably ALWAYS be so.) If you are at Assumption, see Dr. Fry or Nick Chase for help if you get stuck. If you are connecting from off-campus, may the great gods of the Internet smile upon you.

Available From Assumption

Neat Things to See

Zines on the Net

Full-text magazines and newspapers include: InterText, Mother Jones, Webster's Weekly, and the San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle. Or, connect with Time Warner's Pathfinder service, or Ziff Publishing's Best News Sources for other electronic publications.

And Away We Go.....

Some good entry points into the Internet are: the Global Network Navigator from O'Reilly & Associates; GoldSite Europe; EINet Galaxy from MCC; NCSA's Network Starting Points; the WWW Virtual Library; Scott Yanoff's Special Internet Connections; and Ziff Publishing's Best Home Pages. (Of interest to Assumption faculty are the TERC, UMass [Amherst] and Mass. LearnNet home pages.) Have a credit card handy? You can also go shopping for consumer items on the Internet Shopping Network or through marketplaceMCI, and buy computer equipment through the Online Computer Market. And, you can access commercial "timesharing" services: AstraNet (Prodigy); Compuserve; Delphi.

This page was last updated April 10, 1995 by webmasterNick Chase (nick15@eve.assumption.edu).