(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
This page includes information about Art Galleries and Online Exhibitions. Not all galleries listed here have database images but include other useful information. The list has now been alphabetized due to the fact that it was not well ordered and confusing to search. Last modified JUNE 13, 1995
If you know the beginning letter of the information resource that you are looking for you can select the letter below and it will take you straight to that section. The alphabetization was done under the following conditions. While under construction the sources have been alphabetized by first name and then second name. For example Markus Kruse would be found under Markus and NOTKruse at this point in time. We hope that this will not inconvenience you too much. Thank you for your patience.
- 1002 Situations
"1002 situations" shows views of "homeland" contributed from
the WWWs world-wide audience. You can interactively deposit text,
pictures or sound which describe your situations. This projects has
its origin at the Castle Tollet located in Upper Austria, Austria,
and ends with your material being exhibited at the Castle for two weeks
starting the 15th of September. There is a competition for the 3 most
interesting text, picture or sound file placed into the museum. First
prize includes a trip to Castle Tollet for the opening of the exhibition
on September 22nd 1995 - no matter where in the world you are.
- "@art" gallery - dedicated to exhibiting the best in contemporary electronic art. It will feature a revolving roster of artists, with each exhibit lasting six to eight weeks.
- AACME Image Corp. An arts collective.
- Aboriginal Institute, NationalAdelaide, Australia. This site offers information about Aboriginal art and much more.
- Absolut AccessThe Serpentine gallery presents works by
Gilbert & George.
- The "Abulafia Gallery" An excellent site that features recent oil paintings by Mathew Lewis presented in a fully rendered,interactive, 3D walkthrough environment.
- Access Art Adventures on the Right
Side of the BrainA gallery showing recent works.
- < A HREF="">Africus- Johannesburg Biennale '95A new site to explore recent works. Mainly imagemaps, so the link to overseas might be slow, but worth a visit.
- Age of Enlightenment in the paintings of France's national museums. - A panorama of XVIIIth-century French painting is presented in this exhibition through the works of one hundred selected artists.
- Aggregate Offers information about real time T.V via the net.
- Al Manriques's One-Man Virtual Art Exhibit
- Alex Berka A computer artist in London.
- Alison Art GalleryThis special section was created to highlight some pieces of art created by the site maintainer's sister that he managed to pilfer in digitized form to place online.
- ANBG On-line Exhibitions and Images
- Ansel Adams PhotographsInformation and Images by Ansel Adams, the world famous photographer, including essays, clear informational text and more.
- ANdrew H. Denton Art Archive and homepage of this artis. "After years of releasing my artwork on the net, I've been happily
rendering away in my little house South of Santa Cruz California."
- Amsterdam Art Town , Galleries in Town, Netherlands.
- Apparitions Welcome Page
- Arnold, Walter S.A sculptor presenting his latest works.
- ArrivalA new Online Gallery that is representing a variety of art works.
- ArtAidsGallery committed to showing art about aids. official opening date December 1, 1994.
- Art Crimes - a graffiti art gallery, features wall art from the U.S. and the Czech Republic. These elaborate, spray painted pieces are fresh off the street and shockingly good. See guerrilla art worth being arrested for
- Art E-boulevard Art from Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Art From the Well
- Aart Gallery - The aart Gallery is pleased to bring you reviews and examples of work by local (and not so local) artists and photographers.
- Aart Gallery Home Page Photography images by two artists with essays about exhibitions.
- Art Gallery - René Magritte, Switzerland, IN FRENCH Information and a large database about the famous French painter, with over 30 images,
- Art Gallery - Home (HEIwww) includes examples and images of several artists' their recent works and other world famous artists such as Rene Magritte and Nathan Wagoner.
- Art Gallery Census Bureau of the government is making its past census posters available to the public.
- Art Gallery
- ARTA GalleryJerusalem, Israel.
- Art Gallery, Wolverhampton, U.K.detailed historical information, unfortunately no images.
- ARTHOLE A collection of art, and animations.
- Art Home PageInformation on stone carving etc.
- Art in the New York City Areainformation about New York City arts events. no images
- Artix A New York City based resource is providing the home pages of the first internationally known art galleries on the Web. One of the largest collections of art on the WEb, Artix currently contains 112 images of work by 30 artists.
- Artlink
- ArtNetWeb the web version of ArtNetBBS in New York City, is now up and online at Downtown Anywhere.
ArtNetWeb site is now up and includes Mutatis Mutandis, wiht in-depth reviews of current exhibitions, and the start of the Greenberg Symposia, an experiment in participatory art history.
The ArtNetArtistic works by Ivan Pope and Heath Bunting. Located in London, England.
- Art on the EdgeA virtual art gallery.
- Art on LineA small virtual gallery. It shows some work by Dutch artist Herman Van Valen. In Dutch only.
- Artist SpeelmanArtist, oil paintings, in the Netherlands.
- ARTS IN CONNECTICUT...and beyond
- Art SceneThe guide to art galleries and museums in Southern California
- Art Serve, The Anu Mosaic for the HumanitiesThis Australian National University server offers a variety of image collections and small presentations, all of which deal
in some way with Art History. The current setup will be improved when time, money and assistance permit. The prints material consists of some 2,800 images of prints, largely from the 15th century to the end of the 19th century. It haa now been joined by some 2,500 images of mainly classical architecture & architectural sculpture from around the Mediterranean. A further 3,000 images of European sculpture & architecture from classical times to the 19th century will be added by Christmas 1994, with inline image display and with forms database query interface. You will see from what follows that the same sets of data are presented, for convenience, in several formats
- aRt_sLab A gallery curated by students.
- Arts Wire is a national online network for the arts community. Many homepages by artists ans arts organizations resider there.
Atelier Nord Art Gallery
- Arts WireArts Wire is a national computer-based communications network for the arts community.
- ArtspaceUniveristy High School Gallery, including recent works by students and faculty, including painting, drawing and other media.
- Art Tower Mito, Contemporary Art Center, Japan, Japanese Language Conversion Needed
- 'The ArtVark Gallery'. Gallery located in The Netherlands.
- Artworks Gallery - Seattle, Washington
- Asian Art This exhibition is dealing with the concepts of Himalayan art an d Mandalas.
- Asian Arts
- Astarte GalleryUK.
Atom Co. Virtual GalleryA gallery presenting works by contemporary Japanese Artists, including conceptual projects.
- AusArt, Australian Art Great source for Australian art and other resources, under construction, enjoy the source and look frequently for updates.">Avishai's PhotographsThe artist calls it a small and random selection of his recent photography.
- Carnies
- CARTAH(Center for Advanced Research Technology in the Arts and Humanities) is an Arts and Technology center, which maintains an online art gallery including visual art, music, and literary arts.
- Castlefield Gallery, Manchester, U.K.general information and exhibition schedules, no images, text format only.
- Cesium133An online Art Gallery
- Chesley Bonestell Gallery Images and information about teh famous artist that has been recognized in many disciplines.
- Chinese Archaic JadesImages from the
Kwan Collection at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Christopher Holland's Gallery of Art, mississippi state university
- Christo and Jeanne-ClaudeInformation about the Berlin Reichstag Project! Also at the site are photos from the Running Fence and The Umbrellas. Favric samples, and statements from the artists are
also included. Several sound files as well.
- CinemaSpaceinformation about cinema and new media, with connection to Cardiff's Movie Database that is searchable.
- Cirque de la Mama Works by the artist Christine Linder, future updates are promised.
- Chez Rampart's GalleryAn ftp site.
- Cloud Gallery - photography
- Contemporary Art Site
- Contours of the Mind - Exhibition page.
- Computer Art GalleryIsraeli artist Avi Rosen is presenting his latest works, includes artist's biography and general information as well as image
- Cooker, TheThe Cooker is an internet site for the London based artist Jake Tilson.
The Cooker is made up of three areas.
HERE contains artworks created specifically for one-monitor computers
on the World Wide Web.
THERE contains current and recent projects containing information
on exhibitions, publications, video-work, audio-work and lectures.
FILES is an appendix of lists, information databases, articles,
interviews, bibliographies and biographies.
- Cormac's Art Gallery large collection of images, several subhalls of modern art.
- Corner House, Manchester, U.K.general information and exhibition schedules, no images, text format only.
- Craig Stewart Studio
- CRITIQUE Offering art, literature and music that is yet
- Culture and Entertainment, tulsa oklahoma
- ECIT - Electronic Compendium of Images
and Text
- Edgerton Online Photo GalleryScientific photography as well as works by several artists.
- Edward LaBane
Being a still photographer that works primarily with the female form, I have a strong interest in social attitudes about my work. Ignorance has always been the worst enemy of the art
world, so education is as much a part of my work as the work itself. To illustrate the difference between nakedness and nudity is a major part of that education.
- Eighth Annual Employee Art Exhibition
- Electronic Art Gallery
- Elite Fine ArtWith more than 40 years experience in Latin American art, Jose Martinez-Canas,
owner/director of Elite Fine Art in Miami, is recognized as the premier Latin
American art dealer.
- Enfolding Perspectives: Art by Simran Singh Gleason Part of Art on the Net, Simran is presenting his newest works, modern art.
- Electric GalleryThe art of Haiti, "naive"a nd "primitive artworks by Haitian artists, quite a few images, good example of hypermedia.
- Electronic PhotoGallery (English)
- Erico Menczer - A Man with the Ombrella Biographical information as well as images by Roman artist Menzer.
- Exceptional Collections, at University of Chicago
- EXPO World Wide Web Exhibit Organization
- Eye-Phonics
- FACE to FACE Developing interactive artworks
on the Internet.
- FGM Print GalleryPhotography exhibits made available to the public, inaugural exhibition will handle Weston's works.
- Fine Art Archive This site is not really in form of an art gallery. However, this site offers a large database of images including Durer, Degas, Manet, Schiele, Hals, Klimt, Sargent, Vermeer, Albers, Michelangelo, da Vinci, Cezanne, Gericault, Nagel and many more.
- Fine Art Forum GalleryThe famous Fine Art Forum is showing a variety of art and artists.
First Israeli Group Internet Art Show
presenting a whole range of art.
- Fluxus OnLineThis site has been organized by Name June Paik and Paul Garrin and is providing the first Fluxus Information available via the Internet.
- Fractal Galleryanimations, mandelbrot and miscellaneous stuff, not all art related
- Frida Kahlo Home PageGood information about the late famous artist.
- Hays Photography
- HEI Art GalleryImage collection of various modern artists, including Rene Magritte with over 30 examples.
- Héléna RICHARDOT Information about the artist who lives in Lyon, France, including images and biographical information.
- HypArt - 'HypArt' stands for Hyper-Art and is a artistic equivalent to 'Hyper-Text'. The thought is that a single picture is created by several people. Therefore the image is being divided into squares and each artist contributes one of them.
- Kandinsky Image ArchiveKandinsky images.
- Kathleen Olson The artist is presenting her latest photographic images to show the struggle between church and feminism.
- Kidlink Kidlink gopher will take you across the world to view artworks by kids and plety of it!
- Kimer, TedIllustrated Robots. Presented by Access Art.
- Krauss, CharlesAnother artist being represented by the Arrival Gallery
- Manchester City Art Galleries, Manchester, U.K.An exhibition schedule of art galleries in Manchester.
- Maria Kazanskaya oil paintings
- Mark W. McGinnisimages from installations, from ArtNetWeb.
- Markel/Sears Works
on Paper Gallery Images from an established gallery in New York City.
Marrakesh ExpressA site dedicated to teaching the development and wonders of weaving.
- Mari Broenen Fine artist producing abstract works.
- Mark Vinsel Gallerywatercolours.
- Martin Gardinger The Ministry of Hope.
- Matisse EnzerMatisse Enzer Photo Gallery.
- Matsushita Studios
- Medien Biennale Leipzig 94Exhibition information about past exhibitions and upcoming projects.
- Memories at Winterlude a great place for ice sculpture.
- Metro, The Students presenting art and poetry.
- Michael RussoFound objects and other sculptures from ArtNetWeb.
- Michigan State University Online Photo Gallery
- Minnesota Online Art
- Mirror Images GalleryA gallery presenting drawings, other media from a feminist persepctive.
- MkzdK East
- Moebius, Jean-GiraudFantasy Art presented by Access Art.
- Monet The Cyberspace
Gallery presents a large collection of Claude Monet's artwork
- Monsterism is the name of a gallery/virtual gallery that focuses on pop/conceptual art in all media(including net-specifc pieces).
- Moore, TerryA wonderful marriage of fine cartography and the artistry of Terry Moore. Enjoy your choice
from over 30 beautiful map prints including San Francisco Bay, The Great Lakes, Tampa Bay,
San Juan Islands, Chesapeake Bay, and many other bodies of water.
- Mount Allison Fine Arts On-Line Gallery1994 Graduate Fine Arts Exhibition
- Musicman Museum Presents: Imagist Painting by Robert Gold
- Randall Grubb A paperweight artist.
- Randy Jay Braun Hawaiian Art Photography.
- < A HREF="">Ranto, RainoRaino Ranta is an artist and designer in his 30's, who lives and works in Helsinki, Finland. He uses several media including painting, ceramic, glass and computer graphic.
- Raphael Stanzas and Loggias
- Remo CampopianoAnother presentation by ArtNetWeb, installations and other images.
- Rennaisance Dante in PrintTHIS EXHIBITION presents Renaissance editions of Dante's Divine Comedy from the John A. Zahm, C.S.C., Dante Collection at the University of Notre Dame, together with selected treasures from The Newberry Library.
- Renoir, Pierre-Auguste paintings by the artist presented by BEK Fine Arts Page.
- Resource list - On-line exhibitions, images, etc.
- Resource list - Sunsite based Multimedia exhibits and ositions
- Rhombus Interactive GalleryMove through the space yourself and view the works.
- Rice University Art Gallery
- A HREF="">Rita KunzlerAn artist working in traditional and non traditional media.
- Robert Gold's Imagist Paintings
- Robischon Gallery - Denver, Colorado
- Royal Holloway College> The world famous Holloway Collection of the University of London is now partially online.
rtweb Eugene's Only Digital Gallery
- Salmo Trutta Online Art Gallery "Salmo Trutta" is an online art gallery which specializes in contemporary realism and art work oriented towards nature and wildlife. Although the watercolours which are currently on display are part of a series of my own work, it is the mission of "Salmo Trutta" to provide the widest possible exposure to a number of varied artists. Besides being a participant in creation and operation of "Salmo Trutta" I have the additional good fortune of being an artist. As such I am able to select the works of artists who I both admire and empathize with.
- San Antonio Arts Pageinformation about museums and galleries in the San Antonio area.
Santa Fe Artists MarketspaceThe premier collection of fine artists and alternative artisans from Santa Fe and the Southwest. Beautiful and inspiring
works displayed by the artists themselves for your enjoyment.
Come take a peak through this window into Santa Fe.
- Safari Splash Home Page
- Saw Video Co-opGeneral information about this artist run co-op.
- Scope gallery A site dedicated to the works of Australian
- Scultura Arts Forumgreat site to find out more about art, artist Mike Garibaldi presenting his enticing sculptural works as well as launching new concepts and ideas for the WWW. Furthermore other artists are being presented such as Judith Gannon
- SeemenArt
drop outs and machinists.
- Shanbaum, Claudia Sculpture by this artist.
Shot Gallery Photography from the Feminist Festival.
- SIRDS Gallery
- Smithsonian Institution - University of Louisville
- Soundbite Kiss Digital Collages, Photography and a little writing.
- Space ArtThe exhibition SPACE ART starts march 13 and continues until march 31 on the Internet. The artist represented here is < ahref-""> Bengt Josefsson.
- Specialty Shops Addresses of galleries and museums in Monticello and Champaign, Illinois, USA.
- Speelman, Dirkjancontaining approx. 90 paintings (oil, pencil, paintbrush,
acrylic)mostly based on dreams.
- St Petersburg Pictures Galleryimages about St. Petersburg including sculptural monuments and architecture.
- Strange Interactions Intro
- Synergism: A Place For
- The 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project began January 1, 1995. A
round-the-clock posting of sequenced postmodern photographs by Brad Brace.
- TechnoART: Interactive New Media
Exhibit The Ontario Science Centre presenting a new exhibition.
- The CraftWEB Project is
an online community to help promote quality crafts in basketry, ceramics, fabric arts, glass work,
jewelry, metal arts, painting, paper art, and wood work on a juried-quality or professional level.
- The 92-93 Sculpture Tour Univeristy of Tennessee, Knoxville with a large image collection concerning sculpture, including the Reese Collection.
- Thompson Art Gallery a great place of ideas and crosseye action.
Thomson, Kim - Artist visual fine art oil painting monotype print santa fe new mexico southwestern landscapes horses
- Thresholds Gallery@IMCC Home Page
- Wentworth GalleryWentworth Gallery specializes in providing a wide selection of original oil paintings, limited edition serigraphs, lithographs and sculptures from artists
around the world. Our Web site contains a sample of our art as well as links to other art sites on the Web.
- Who's Got the Body? This site presents collaborative
works by students.
- Wingspread Collectors Guide to Southwest Art A large collection of
Southwestern art, Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Taos, New Mexico.
- William BuffettCalifornia Landscape Artist, shown at Access Art.
Special Projects:
Look for information on the Inventories and access to the
database on the National Museum of American Art's web-site
available in late April. Using a WWW client, the URL will be:
via this address