hide random home screenshot http://rmd-www.mr.ic.ac.uk/snow/snowpage.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

In case anyone is interrested, I (Dan - the maintainer :-) am not going to be in London for about 3 months (but I will still reply to mail, read news, and keep the SnowPage up-to-date).
I'm off to Holland & Paris for approximately 3 months, so if you want to meet up, then check out my itinarary.

The SnowPage

Sorry about the down time that the SnowPage has been suffering lately - mainly over the weekends - but this has been due to essential electrical work being carried out in the near vicinity of the machine that serves the SnowPage so I've had to bring it down a couple of times.
Appologies for the inconvenience, Dan.

This page (& links from this page) are constantly being updated - as and when I have time... Dan.

Pages last updated : Wednesday 8th March, 1995.


I have added a page for stuff that is changing rapidly, e.g. when someone sends me a snow report I'll stick it here.

Here are a few things that may be coming soon.

A brief summary of SnowPage statistics. This will be improved once I sort out the automation.


What's here?

The buttons used on this page are also available.

O  Skiing.

O  Snowboarding.

O  EZines - Electronic On-line Magazines.

O  Resort Reports.

O  Trail Maps.

O  Picture Gallery.

O  USENET Newsgroups

O  Commercial Contacts.

O  Snow People On The Net.

O  Other Resources On The Net.

O  It's Gopher Time!

Telnet Time.

Weather information server :

telnetmadlab.sprl.umich.edu 3000
Also known as : telnet downwind.sprl.umich.edu 3000
For those of you without Name Resoloution : telnet 3000

O  Other Stuff.

O  Unreliable and Unknown Data.

O  Thanks.

Thanks to all those who have contributed both material and links to this and related pages.
(I apologise in advance to anyone I have left out... please let me know, and your name will be added.)

Peter Lamb (prl@csis.dit.csiro.au) for some of the Australian related information.
Curtis Emerson (Curtis.Emerson@gsfc.nasa.gov) for most of the travel service information, and related travel material.
Lee Crane (crashmedia@aol.com) for a lot of the stuff from rec.skiing.snowboard.

Copyright © 1995 of all images and text on these pages are a held by the authors of each item. All rights reserved, items may not be reproduced without permission.

Dan Homolka.
