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Space Shuttle Columbia, mission "STS­58"
5 ­ 18 of October 1993

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[Photo 1]
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The Space Shuttle Columbia "STS­58" goes up in the sky of Florida.
After take­off, the two booster rockets detach, forming a "V" of fire, while the Space Shuttle continues it's flight.
[Photo 2]
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Suddenly a formation of two spheres of light appears on the top left and crosses the path of the Space Shuttle Columbia "STS­58" (one of the last photograms of the film).
[Photo 3]
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Enlargement of the larger sphere taken from the video camera, during the take­off of the Space Shuttle Columbia "STS­58".
[Photo 4]
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Third series of 5 photograms taken from the film of the Space Shuttle Columbia "STS­58".
In evidence we can see the larger sphere, while the smaller object moves very fast from the lower right corner to the upper left corner.
[Photo 5]
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Second series of 2 photograms taken from the film of the Space Shuttle Columbia "STS­58".
In evidence we can see the larger sphere, while the smaller object moves very fast from the lower right corner to the upper left corner.
[Photo 6]
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First series of 3 photograms taken from the film of the Space Shuttle Columbia "STS­58".
In evidence we can see the larger sphere, while the smaller object moves very fast from the lower right corner to the upper left corner.

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