(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
WWW Virtual Library - Software Engineering
Virtual Library
WWW Virtual Library - Software Engineering
Last modified: April 6, 1995.
Languages and Notations
Requirements & Specification
- was established
to provide a forum for discussion about testing tools, techniques, and
experiences among NASA, industry, and academia. The group's
charter and a searchable
full text database
of all articles posted to the group are available.
CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering)
Philip Johnson maintains a web relating to formal technical review at the
University of Hawaii.
Clemson University operates the
TQM Server,
concerning issues of Total Quality Management
Software Systems, Inc. in Austin, TX re-announces its Web server. Here
you can find information about ISSI's Process-oriented Software Life Cycle
Support Environment product line. The
ProSLCSE Product Line offers an organization a graphical, adaptable,
integrated, and intuitive tool set, backed by a complete line of services
for process improvement.
E3 (an Environment for Experimenting and Evolving Software Process) is an academic project that has the goal to
provide a methodology to specify, design, execute, and evolve software process models.
Academic Organizations in Software Engineering
- University of Houston - Clear Lake,
Repository Based Software Engineering Program
- The Ohio State University
Reusable Software Research Group
- The Software Technology Laboratory
at Queen's University
in Kingston, Ontario.
- Nova University's Center for Computer and Information Sciences
For a copy of their Graduate Catalog, send an e-mail message to:
This system is automated. The catalog is nearly 5700 lines, so
you may want to redirect the output into a temporary directory.
The Center for Computer and Information Sciences has a
variety of programs and degree offerings using a continuum of
real-time and delayed-time computer-mediated communication.
- The Interactive Systems Centre (ISC) is a
multidisciplinary research centre of the
University of Ulster.
The ISC was launched as an independent centre in the Autumn of 1993
mainly due to substantial funding from the International Fund for
Ireland. The main mission of the ISC focuses on the development of
multimedia interactive systems in diverse commercial and industrial
applications, with particular reference to development of appropriate
technology and methods to support effective human/computer interaction.
- University of Birmingham
Honours program in Computer Science/Software Engineering
- National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Software Engineering Lab
- The Human Cognition Research Lab
at The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
- The NASA/WVU Software
Research Lab at West Virginia University is a cooperative effort
between the NASA Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (OSMA) and
West Virginia University. The NASA/WVU Software Research Laboratory is
located at the NASA Independent Software Verification and Validation
Facility in Fairmont, West Virginia.
- The WWW enthusiasts at the Leiden University Faculty of
Mathematics & Natural Sciences would like to announce it's server.
The server currently contains information on the Group
Fundamental Computer Science, the Group Theory of
Programming Languages, the Group Software
Engineering and Information Systems, the Group High
Performance Computing, as well as a number of Technical
- University of Kaiserlautern, Germany: The
software engineering
research group focuses on various aspects of software development and
maintenance technologies.
Government (or Government-Related) Organizations in Software Engineering
- The Software Engineering
Institute (SEI) Information Server is now available. The SEI is a
federally funded research and development center operated since 1984 by
Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA, and is
sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense through the
Advanced Research
Projects Agency (ARPA). The SEI objective is to provide leadership in
software engineering and in the transition of new software engineering
technology into practice. The SEI Information Server provides:
- information about the
SEI and its activities
to improve the state of practice of software engineering
- information about the ongoing research efforts of the
ARPA Software and
Intelligent Systems Technology Office (SISTO)
- an index of information relating to numerous
software and computing top
- pointers to many other
Internet resources
- The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is an
organization sponsored by the Flight Dynamic Division (FDD) of NASA's
Goddard Space Flight Center. The SEL was created in 1976 to
investigate the effectiveness of software engineering technologies as
applied to the FDD. The goals of the SEL are to understand the local
software development process; to measure the effect of various
methodologies, tools, and models on this process; and to identify and
then apply successful practices. The SEL is made up of three member
organizations: GSFC's Software Engineering Branch (code 552), Computer
Sciences Corporations Software Engineering Operation, and the
University of Maryland's Computer Science Department.
- The NASA-funded
Repository Based Software Engineering (RBSE) program
supports the adoption of software reuse through
repository-based software engineering in targeted sectors of industry,
government, and academia. The program provides a repository that:
facilitates the selection, acquisition, integration, and reuse of
software components; provides proven architectures upon which to
assemble systems; and promotes common software engineering practices
and standards.
- The NASA Software IV&V Facility identifies and develops new
software oriented technologies useful to both the government and the
commercial sector. The basis for identifing these new technologies
will stem from close ties formed between the NASA Facility, the
academic world, and private industry.
- The Software Engineering Laboratory
(Laboratoire de génie
logiciel) of the National Research Council of Canada's Institute for
Information Technology
performs research and development in software engineering, with
the objective of developing tools and techniques that will assist Canadian
companies, whose principal product is software, in improving their
processes and products. The laboratory currently has three major program
areas: Realtime and Embedded Systems (including the Harmony operating system
project and publications on software
configuration management), Commercial Software Products and Large-scale
Systems. Additional publications, from all three research programs, will
soon be available on the server.
Industrial Organizations in Software Engineering
- The Arizona
Software Association is dedicated to "promoting the growth,
prosperity and recognition of a world class software industry in
Arizona." Founded in June 1991 by a group of Arizona software
executives, entrepreneurs and providers of professional services, the
ASA currently has a membership of over 300 corporations and
individuals. ASA members include representatives from large and small
software companies, including company CEO's, R&D vice presidents,
marketing directors, sales managers and programmers. Members also
include service providers such as venture capitalists, technology
specialists, hardware manufacturers, software and marketing
consultants, packaging and distribution firms, accountants, lawyers,
telemarketers, graphic designers, advertising agencies and training
The Center for Software Development is a not-for-profit organization
with a mission to promote the growth of software companies. The
Software Entrepreneurs Forum, the City of San Jose, and Novell,
Inc. founded The Center. It acts as a catalyst between the key facets
of the software industry developers, hardware and software
vendors, and service providers. The Center provides self-service test
labs, events, and an Industry Resource Library.
- Reasoning Systems -
Software engineers use Reasoning's products and services to analyze,
redocument, and convert existing software systems. Reasoning licenses
REFINE Language Tools, a family of extensible shrink-wrapped reengineering
and software quality assurance tools for Ada, C, COBOL and FORTRAN.
Reasoning also licenses Software Refinery, a development environment for
building reengineering, quality assurance and maintenance tools.
Reasoning provides training and consulting services to help clients
build custom software tools.
Technical papers
is a bibliography of Software Refinery applications.
- Leverage Technologists
- is a Maryland based company specializing in software reverse engineering,
reengineering, and maintenance. Leverage provides a wide range of
educational services,
, custom
application development. Additionally, Leverage Technologists is a
Value Added Reseller(VAR) for Reasoning Systems, Inc.
- The Software Engineering Research Centre (SERC), located in the Netherlands, is a platform for applied scientific research in the area of software-engineering. The existence of SERC is one the one hand motivated by the immediate existing and potential demand for independent and bjective research on software-engineering in the market and on the other hand by the available means for fundamental research in the academic world.
- Century Computing (Laurel, MD) - The TAE Plus Motif GUI Development Tool supports rapid prototyping and operational systems. Developed for both programmers and non-programmers. Provides Dynamic Data Objects for data display and direct manipulation. Generates C, C++, Ada and UIL.
Software Reuse
Legacy Systems
Systems Engineering
Object-Oriented Stuff
Software Testing
Data/Information/Knowledge - Based Systems
This material will shortly be reorganized into a more meaningly classification
structure. In the meantime, eclecticism rules.
International Conference on Software Maintenance '95,
Opio (Nice), France, October 16-20, 1995
The 18th International Conference on Software Engineering,
25 - 30 March 1996, Technical University BERLIN, Germany
2nd International Symposium on Object
Technologies for Advanced Software,
Kanazawa, Japan, Mar. 11-15, 1996
The 17th International Conference on Software
and Co-Located Events,
April 23-30 1995,
Seattle, Washington, USA,
Westin Hotel
The 1995 Workshop on Industrial-Strength Formal Specification Techniques
The Sheraton Inn, Boca Raton,
Florida, USA
April 5-8, 1995
Seventh International Conference on
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,
June 22-24, 1995, Rockville, Maryland, USA
3rd Int. Conf. on Software Reuse, Rio Di Janeiro, Brazil
OOPSLA 94 or its
European mirror
WWW Activity at Hypertext '93
Government Information and the Internet,
Issues, Applications, and Prospects. A Seminar Sponsored by Syracuse University,
Dec. 15, 1993, Washington, DC.
If you know of Internet-accessible information source(s) that should be
included in the WWW Virtual Library,
- For subjects other than Engineering, email to:
- For Engineering subjects, email to one of the
Engineering Web Server Administrators.
- For Software Engineering, contact:
David Eichmann
Software Engineering Program
School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University of Houston-Clear Lake
2700 Bay Area Blvd.
Houston, TX 77058
713-283-3875 (voice)
713-283-3869 (fax)