Virtual LibraryVirtual Library

WWW Virtual Library - Software Engineering

Last modified: April 6, 1995.

Languages and Notations

Requirements & Specification




CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering)


Philip Johnson maintains a web relating to formal technical review at the University of Hawaii.

Clemson University operates the TQM Server, concerning issues of Total Quality Management

International Software Systems, Inc. in Austin, TX re-announces its Web server. Here you can find information about ISSI's Process-oriented Software Life Cycle Support Environment product line. The ProSLCSE Product Line offers an organization a graphical, adaptable, integrated, and intuitive tool set, backed by a complete line of services for process improvement.

E3 (an Environment for Experimenting and Evolving Software Process) is an academic project that has the goal to provide a methodology to specify, design, execute, and evolve software process models.

Academic Degree Programs in Software Engineering

Academic Organizations in Software Engineering

Government (or Government-Related) Organizations in Software Engineering

Industrial Organizations in Software Engineering

Software Engineering Projects Accessible on the Web

Software Reuse

Requirements Engineering

Legacy Systems

Safety-Critical Systems

Systems Engineering

Object-Oriented Stuff

Software Testing

Data/Information/Knowledge - Based Systems


This material will shortly be reorganized into a more meaningly classification structure. In the meantime, eclecticism rules.


International Conference on Software Maintenance '95, Opio (Nice), France, October 16-20, 1995

The 18th International Conference on Software Engineering, 25 - 30 March 1996, Technical University BERLIN, Germany

2nd International Symposium on Object Technologies for Advanced Software, Kanazawa, Japan, Mar. 11-15, 1996

The 17th International Conference on Software Engineering, and Co-Located Events, April 23-30 1995, Seattle, Washington, USA, Westin Hotel

The 1995 Workshop on Industrial-Strength Formal Specification Techniques WIFT'95 The Sheraton Inn, Boca Raton, Florida, USA April 5-8, 1995

Seventh International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, June 22-24, 1995, Rockville, Maryland, USA

3rd Int. Conf. on Software Reuse, Rio Di Janeiro, Brazil


OOPSLA 94 or its European mirror

WWW Activity at Hypertext '93



Government Information and the Internet, Issues, Applications, and Prospects. A Seminar Sponsored by Syracuse University, Dec. 15, 1993, Washington, DC.

If you know of Internet-accessible information source(s) that should be included in the WWW Virtual Library,