Welcome. Have fun. Tell us what you think.
HotWired is our station on the World Wide Web.
There are about 25 of us working on it full-time
(plus several hundred regular contributors).
What do we do here? Read on, and then explore
for yourself!
HotWired's five channels are like five different
doorways into the digital revolution. Technology,
way new journalism, the arts, commerce, and the
hubbub of electronic conversation can be found in
Signal, Eyewitness, Renaissance 2.0, Coin, and
Piazza. Expect plenty of overlap and cross-talk.
SIGNAL takes the pulse of the Digital Revolution.
We write news about where to go and what to
see on the Net, spread industry gossip, and review
advances - and regressions - in communications
EYE WITNESS is not the five o'clock news. Our
highly personal hypertext essays and bulletins from
around the globe are pointers to the way new
journalism that is possible on the Web.
PIAZZA is the heart of HotWired, the central
square where members, writers, and artists can
exchange information, criticism, love-letters, and
business cards. We have live guests in our
auditorium and gateways to distant virtual worlds.
RENAISSANCE 2.0 is a set of digital galleries
that will either blow your mind or crash your
computer. Sounds, videos, pictures, and words
from artists all over the world - commerical and
anticom-mercial - melodic and antimelodic -
beautiful and brilliantly unbeautiful.
COIN is where commerce takes place on HotWired.
You can buy, sell, and trade goods and services
with other members; browse personal ads; shop for
WiredWare; subscribe to the magazine; and
explore Wired's library.