CLUB WIRED is a live public auditorium and
chat space. You can listen to featured guests,
have a private conversation in real time, and join
in endless confusing banter between members
who seem to make your computer come alive.
THREADS is for discussion, commentary, gripes,
self-promotion, and questions. You can start a
topic or respond to topics others have started.
If you know a little HTML, you can add links to
your posts in Threads.
RANTS & RAVES are the especially pithy, vitriolic,
and/or eloquent comments from Threads. If they raise
our blood pressure, we put them in Rants & Raves.
HOTMOO is HotWired's room on two popular
Internet MOOs: LambdaMOO at the Xerox PARC
research facility and BayMOO in San Francisco.
You don't have to have a character on LambdaMOO
or BayMOO to enter the HotWired rooms,
where you can encounter characters from these
other virtual environments.