SOUNDZ is like the most eclectic radio station in
the world, with spoken word, dance loops, and
wacky sounds from bands, pranksters, commercial
sound designers, and even a few classically trained

RETINA is a rotating gallery of still images, in-
cluding photographs, drawings, architecture, digital
effects, and digital paintings.

KINO has little segments of amazing video, including
stop-motion animation created especially for Renais-
sance 2.0 and quick clips of strange or forgotten movies.

NET SOUP containes daily excerpts of
favorite recent posts to mailing lists, bulletin
boards, and Web sites. Subjects range from religious
rants to cynical press releases, from sex fantasies
to spelling flames.

SERIAL features original and selected works of
serial art, from daily online comics that reach beyond
the funny pages to hypertext fiction.