The latest
computing resource for your small business is the Internet and the
World Wide Web. A
recent industry survey showed that, by the end of 1996, 42 percent of
U.S. small
businesses will be connected to the World Wide Web. Of those, half
will have their own
Web sites or home pages. (July 1995 MCI-Gallup Poll). Should you
get on the Web?
You're already using it for research right now - one of the Web's key
Web can be a very powerful way to market your image, sell services and
products, and
build customer relations - even if you don't have the marketing and
resources of a big corporation.
Your Internet presence need not
require a lot of
training or expertise. First, to check out how other businesses are
marketing themselves
on the web use Microsoft Internet
Explorer -
It's a free downloadable browser to help you gain the best viewing
Microsoft Internet Products, such as the Internet Assistants for
Microsoft Office, make it possible for even the smallest company
to have a presence
on the Web.
Or, for a complete in-house solution, check out Microsoft® Internet Information Server. It's
the fast way to
build an economical Intranet - an Internet turned outside in. An
Intranet may mirror
your external Web page, but it's offline to outsiders. It links your
supports collaboration inside your business, and economically
distributes critical
business information.
Also you can use an online service like MSN (The Microsoft
Network) which provides easy Internet access plus lots of content
and services not
found on the Internet.
The Web: It's the new small-business
computing advantage.