Faculty of Law WWW

[John A. Weir Virtual Library]

The Law Centre is currently working on a home page for the John A. Weir Law Library. Look for this area to be up and running in March 1996.


The jumpstation is a page that provides links to law related resources on the Internet. This is by no means a complete list, but it is a good starting point i f you are interested in looking for legal information.

[The Electronic Easement]

Property Law on the WWW! The purpose of The Electronic Easement is to provide a convenient means through which individuals interested in the areas of property and trusts can communicate with each other and share information.

[U of A Law Courses on the WWW]

These are University of Alberta Law Courses which are being taught via or in conjunction with the WWW. These courses are currently offered for credit to on-site students only.

COOL! [Without Prejudice] Winter 1995/1996

Without Prejudice is a magazine that is regularly published by the Faculty of Law. This is the first time an Internet edition of the magazine is being published in conjunction with the paper version of the magazine. If you are interested in the happenings at the Faculty of Law, be sure to check this link out.

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