Department of Computer Science University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT UK Phone (manual exchange): +44 171 387 7050 Phone (automatic exchange): +44 171 380 7777 Fancy Fone Features Dept Office: +44 171 380 7214 Fax: +44 171 387 1397
UCL CS is made up of some 30 Academic staff, 12 technical staff, 12 administrative staff, 45 contract researchers, 45 research students, 100 MSc students (on three different courses), and 250 undergraduates (on 3 BSc CS or CS+X courses, where X is Maths, Electronic Engineering or Cognitive Science, and students studying CS as part of other degrees).
We are committed to excellence in teaching and research, and are enthusiastic about access to our work from all quarters of society in all parts of the world. Being based in the middle of London, we have ties with the City of London with its great financial institutions, and we also have links with hi-tech companies from all walks of life. This makes iteself felt in our teaching and research programs, which cover a wide range of topics, while being world-class in a select number of areas, particularly Networks, Multimedia Systems, Medical Imaging, Neural Networks and Software Engineering.
The department's computing systems constitute some 300 Unix workstations, as well as some MACs and PCs for support tasks. These are all on the Internet, and all have World Wide Web access. Many are also capable of receiving audio and video from remote classes, and seminars. Details about courses, research and staff are all available in pages on our WWW servers through the links above.