Courses in Computer Science at UCL
We do not send out course descriptions
by email, but will respond by post with application
information, so please supply your postal (snail mail) address if
you require a response. For postgraduate applications, you can phone
The "Friends Room", on +44 171 380 7365, or write to them at UCL's
main address. Other enquiries about our courses, can
be e-mailed to the appropriate address below.
General Course Booklets and Degree Programms
Undergraduate Brochure
MSc Brochure
PhD Brochure
The College Prospectus
Syllabi and Other Information
- Undergraduate Courses
- MSc CS, MSc IT
- MSc DCNDS Syllabi
and Notes
- The BSc in Information Management (IM): The syllabus is to be added soon.
MRes degree program
PhD degree program
There are a number of
other MRes degrees
that started recently at UCL, some related to CS.
Some Exam Information
Past Exam Papers
Some Academic Texts Publishers Contact Information
for ordering books for review/selection
Local Academic Administrative Information
A great deal of information is available locally on the filestore
/cs/docs/academic and will slowly be migrated here as well.
These are the
official conditions for using our computing systems.
Pictures of Student Halls of Residence.
Interesting Professional Organisations
The Institute of Electrical Engineers
The ACM Students Magazine
The British Computing Society
These pages are currently run by
jon crowcroft
Please do email or phone him with any corrections or additions!
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