Daniel K. Schneider
Formally, I hold a system engineer position in our unit and I am in
charge our computational infrastructure (but do in no way any real
systems engineering). My work is devoted about 1/4 to administration
(systems, buying and/or installing programs, maintaining the WWW and MOO servers,...), 1/4 to
technology prospection (currently CMC), 1/4 to real
1/4 to teaching.
You may call me a technical research associate.
En français: Ingénieur système, spécialiste
en "intelligence artificielle et sciences sociales", technologies
de l'éducation et outils Internet pour la recherche et l'éducation.
A collaboré à plusieurs projets au sein de la FPSE à Genève dans le domaine de
l'IA, maintient ce serveur, etc.
Current Research Interests
Netscape bookmarks
(... roughly organized since in principle our index pages are mostly mine.
- Ph.D. dissertation:
Modélisation de la démarche du décideur politique
dans la perspective de l'intelligence artificielle,
submitted in September 1994 to the Department of Political Science,
defended in June 1995.
(straight fm->html translation without any post processing).
Postscript files for A4 format, but should fit US "letter" size:
2700 K (>400 pages A4) *
650 K gzipped (>400 pages A4) *
2700 K (200 pages, i.e. 2 pages per physical A4 page)*
650 K gzipped (200 pages, i.e. 2 pages per physical A4 page).
- Maintainer of some Web pages, e.g. The WWW VL on Educational Technology (including: Educational VR (MUD) sub-page,
Education sub-page,
Institutions sub-page), WWW & Internet manuals, Demos, etc.
You can look at my resume. Sorry for not
having it htmlized properly yet. (A A4 PS version is available).
Here is the
homepage of my wife (perceived like
this by one of her coworkers...).
Daniel K.Schneider, TECFA (Educational Technologies and Learning)
Faculte de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education, University of Geneva,
9 route de Drize, 1227 Carouge(Switzerland),
Phone: (..41) 22 705 9694, Fax: (..41) 22 342 89 24
Alternative email addresses:
X400: S=schneide;OU=divsun;O=unige;PRMD=switch;ADMD=arcom;C=ch
Note: For obvious reasons I try to keep our server as multi-media & extension free as possible,
so after a few month of useless fun, background is back to none. Under
construction: Kaspar's Kids page